BlazenCave's is a public achievement datapack we utilise - adding over 1000 additional advancements to the game. An ideal new feature for you completionists!
We have made some adjustments to this pack, and our achievement list may not always reflect the current one from the public version - so we've made the table below available. It's not ideal for navigation, you'll need to use the scroll wheel at the bottom or arrow keys most likely.
BlazeandCave's Advancements
Loads of brand new advancements for your Minecraft world!
Obtained automatically when entering the world
Getting Wood
Attack a tree until a block of wood pops out
BlazeandCave's Advancements
Obtain any type of log, wood, stripped log, or stripped wood
Construct a crafting bench
Getting Wood
Obtain a crafting table
Time to Mine!
Use planks and sticks to make a pickaxe
Obtain a wooden, stone, iron, gold, diamond or netherite pickaxe
Time to Strike!
Use planks and sticks to make a sword
Time to Mine!
Obtain a wooden, stone, iron, gold, diamond or netherite sword
Time to Chop!
Use planks and sticks to make an axe
Time to Strike!
Obtain a wooden, stone, iron, gold, diamond or netherite axe
Time to Dig!
Use planks and sticks to make a shovel
Time to Chop!
Obtain a wooden, stone, iron, gold, diamond or netherite shovel
Time to Farm!
Use planks and sticks to make a hoe
Time to Dig!
Obtain a wooden, stone, iron, gold, diamond or netherite hoe
Mining Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Mining tab
Time to Farm!
For all of these, hidden advancements are not required
Building Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Building tab
Mining Milestone
Farming Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Farming tab
Building Milestone
Animal Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Animal tab
Farming Milestone
Monsters Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Monsters tab
Animal Milestone
Weaponry Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Weaponry tab
Monsters Milestone
Biomes Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Biomes tab
Weaponry Milestone
Adventure Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Adventure tab
Biomes Milestone
Redstone Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Redstone tab
Adventure Milestone
Enchanting Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Enchanting tab
Redstone Milestone
Statistics Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Statistics tab
Enchanting Milestone
Nether Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Nether tab
Statistics Milestone
Potions Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Potions tab
Nether Milestone
End Milestone
Complete every advancement in the End tab
Potions Milestone
Super Challenges Milestone
Complete every advancement in the Super Challenges tab. Good luck with this one ;)
End Milestone
Advancement Legend
Complete every single advancement in BlazeandCave's Advancements Pack
Super Challenges Milestone
Every advancement except for "Advancement Legend", of course ;)
Dig deep down, mine up ore
Obtain a pickaxe
Stone Age
Mine stone with your new pickaxe
Obtain a block of cobblestone, stone, cobbled deepslate, deepslate, or blackstone
Discover every cave biome
Stone Age
Enter the following biomes: Lush Caves, Dripstone Caves and Deep Dark
This Dirt is Dirtier
Dig through some Rooted Dirt beneath an Azalea Tree so you can find a Lush Cave
Stone Age
Leaflet Drop
Fall through a Big Dripleaf
This Dirt is Dirtier
Enter a big dripleaf block while its tilt is fully down
A Shiny Treat
Eat some Glow Berries
Leaflet Drop
Particle Fan
Obtain a Spore Blossom
A Shiny Treat
Moss Maker
Use Bone Meal on Moss to spread its wonderful lushness across hard blocks of stone
This Dirt is Dirtier
Use Bone Meal on a Moss Block
Obtain an Azalea
Moss Maker
Obtain either an Azalea or a Flowering Azalea
Lush Hour
Obtain a stack of all lush-related blocks
See requirement notes below
Heart of Darkness
Submerge yourself in complete darkness
Stone Age
Enter a block where the light level is 0
My work here is done
Get caught in a cave-in of gravel
Heart of Darkness
Enter a block of gravel
Accidentally hit a bat underground
My work here is done
Blind as a Bat
Kill a Bat while under the blindness or darkness effect
Pixel Perfect
Use a Spyglass to stare at a bat from at least 50 blocks away
Blind as a Bat
Meet the Flintstones
Dig up some flint from a patch of gravel
My work here is done
Obtain flint
Strike a Light
Craft Flint and Steel and use it to light the ground on fire
Meet the Flintstones
Flint Miner
Dig up 64 pieces of flint
Strike a Light
Bonfire Night
Light every flammable block on fire
Flint Miner
Dungeons and Spawners
Open a chest in a dungeon deep underground
Heart of Darkness
Open a Dungeon loot chest that has not been opened before
This is Mine Now!
Find an abandoned mineshaft that was not dug out by you
Dungeons and Spawners
Enter an abandoned mineshaft
Gold Mine!
Find a mineshaft on the surface in a mesa biome
This is Mine Now!
Enter an abandoned mineshaft above y=64 in any badlands biome
Get stuck in a spider web
Gold Mine!
Enter a cobweb
Steals on Wheels
Loot a minecart chest from an Abandoned Mineshaft
Open a Mineshaft loot chest that has not been opened before
Lichen Subscribe
Use shears to obtain Glow Lichen from an underground cave
Heart of Darkness
That's the point!
Obtain some Pointed Dripstone from a Dripstone Cave
Lichen Subscribe
Dripstone Drop
Survive a fall of at least 10 blocks onto some Pointed Dripstone
That's the point!
The pointed dripstone cannot be waterlogged
Lucky Break
Survive a long fall with just a sliver of health remaining
Dripstone Drop
Fall at least 15 blocks and have 1 or 2 health remaining upon landing
Caves & Cliffs
Free fall from the top of the world (build limit) to the bottom of the world and survive
Rock Bottom
Drop from a point above y-level 319 and land below y-level -59
Deep Slate Nine
Mine deep enough that the stone darkens
Lichen Subscribe
Go below y-level 5.5 in the Overworld
Rock Bottom
Dig down to the bottom of the world
Deep Slate Nine
Go below y-level -59.5 in the Overworld
Bottom to Top
Place every cave block at the very top of the world
Rock Bottom
See requirement notes below
Sneak 100
Sneak near something in the Deep Dark to prevent being heard
Deep Slate Nine
Sneak in a way that you avoid making a vibration near a Sculk Sensor, Shrieker, or Warden
It spreads!
Kill a mob near a Sculk Catalyst
Sneak 100
Shriek Forever After
Trigger a Sculk Shrieker in the Deep Dark. Might not want to do that too many more times…
It spreads!
Receive the Darkness effect
Fallen Kingdom
Find and enter an Ancient City deep underground
Shriek Forever After
Frigid Diversions
Loot a chest inside an ice box in an Ancient City
Fallen Kingdom
Generate the loot of an ancient city ice box chest (i.e. you must be the first to open it)
Death Pointer
Using Echo Shards found in Ancient Cities, craft a Recovery Compass
Fallen Kingdom
Obtain a Recovery Compass
9 to 5
Collect enough Disc Fragments to craft another producer of mysterious sounds
Death Pointer
Obtain Music Disc 5
Collect a stack of Echo Shards
Death Pointer
Getting an Upgrade
Construct a better pickaxe
Stone Age
Obtain a stone pickaxe
MOAR Tools
Craft a stone pickaxe, axe, shovel and hoe
Getting an Upgrade
Aww it broke!
Break your first tool
MOAR Tools
Chestful of Cobblestone
Mine 1728 cobblestone, place it in a chest, then stand on it in victory
MOAR Tools
27 stacks of 64 cobblestone in a single chest. You must stand on top of the chest
Destroy a total of 10,000 blocks of stone
Chestful of Cobblestone
Mine a total of 10,000 blocks of stone
Fossil Fuel
Coal! As in dead dinosaurs!
Getting an Upgrade
Obtain coal
Coal Miner
Mine a stack of coal
Fossil Fuel
Master Coal Miner
Mine enough coal to make a stack of coal blocks
Coal Miner
Hot Topic
Construct a furnace out of eight stone blocks
Fossil Fuel
Renewable Energy
Smelt wood trunks using charcoal to make more charcoal
Hot Topic
Smelt charcoal
Smokin' Hot
Upgrade your furnace to a smoker using some logs
Renewable Energy
Coppers and Robbers
Smelt a Copper Ingot
Renewable Energy
Obtain a copper ingot
Copper Miner
Mine a stack of Raw Copper
Coppers and Robbers
Master Copper Miner
Mine enough copper to make a stack of Copper Blocks
Copper Miner
Obtain 64 unoxidized, unwaxed Blocks of Copper
Budget Channeling
Craft a Lightning Rod using Copper Ingots
Coppers and Robbers
Obtain a lightning rod
Surge Protector
Protect a villager from an undesired shock without starting a fire
Budget Channeling
Have lightning strike a lightning rod with a villager standing at a safe distance away
Called Shot
Get struck by lightning while standing on a Lightning Rod
Surge Protector
Don't Come a Copper!
Craft some Cut Copper
Coppers and Robbers
Obtain any block with the word "Cut Copper" in it (so it can be any oxidisation state, can be waxed, and can be a slab or stairs)
Grate Expectations
Craft or obtain a Copper Grate
Don't Come a Copper!
Wax On
Use Honeycombs to wax a Copper Block, preventing it from oxidising
Grate Expectations
Use a honeycomb on any unwaxed copper block OR craft any waxed copper block by adding honeycomb to an unwaxed copper block in the crafting table
Wax Off
Use an axe to scrape wax off of a Copper Block
Wax On
Use an axe on any waxed copper block
The Statue of Liberty
Obtain a fully oxidized Block of Copper
Wax Off
Obtain any type of copper block that is fully oxidized
Sly Copper: The Copper Heist
Collect a stack of every oxidizing stage of Copper Block, Cut Copper, Cut Copper Slabs and Stairs, and the waxed variants of them all
The Statue of Liberty
See requirement notes below
Acquire Hardware
Smelt an iron ingot
Renewable Energy
Obtain an iron ingot
Not Chicken McNuggets?
Craft or find iron nuggets
Acquire Hardware
Isn't It Iron Pick
Upgrade your pickaxe
Acquire Hardware
Obtain an iron pickaxe
Suit Up
Protect yourself with a piece of iron armor
Isn't It Iron Pick
Wear either an iron helmet, chestplate, leggings, or boots
Iron Man
Wear a full suit of iron armor
Suit Up
Wear an iron helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots at the same time
Iron Miner
Mine a stack of Raw Iron
Iron Man
Master Iron Miner
Mine enough iron to make a stack of iron blocks
Iron Miner
Gold Rush
Smelt a gold ingot
Isn't It Iron Pick
Obtain a gold ingot
Living Like Kings
Make yourself shiny with golden armor
Gold Rush
Wear either a golden helmet, chestplate, leggings or boots
The Mistake!
Put Mending on a piece of golden armor and realise what you are doing in life
Living Like Kings
Obtain a golden helmet, chestplate, leggings or boots enchanted with Mending
Gold Miner
Mine a stack of Raw Gold
Living Like Kings
Master Gold Miner
Mine enough gold to make a stack of gold blocks
Master Gold Miner
Bling Bling Gone
Completely use up a golden pickaxe and then seriously reevaluate your life choices
Living Like Kings
Break a golden pickaxe
We've broken our last shovel
Break all six types of shovels
Bling Bling Gone
Break a wooden, stone, iron, golden, diamond and netherite shovel
MOAR Broken Tools
Break every single tool in the game
We've broken our last shovel
See requirement notes below
Where are all your clothes?
Break every type of armor piece in the game
We've broken our last shovel
See requirement notes below
DIAM- oh wait no
It's still useful for enchanting
Isn't It Iron Pick
Obtain lapis lazuli
Lapis Lazuli Miner
Mine enough lapis lazuli to craft a stack of lapis lazuli blocks
DIAM- oh wait no
Seeing Red
Mine some redstone from the deepest caves
Isn't It Iron Pick
Obtain redstone dust
The way to spawn
Craft a compass in case you forgot where spawn is
Seeing Red
Obtain a compass
What's the time, Mr Wolf?
Time to clean your clocks! (Or, craft them)
The way to spawn
Obtain a clock
Redstone Miner
Mine enough redstone to craft a stack of redstone blocks
What's the time, Mr Wolf?
G.I. Geode
Find an Amethyst Geode and mine an Amethyst Cluster
Isn't It Iron Pick
Obtain an amethyst shard
Good For Your Bones
Mine some Calcite encasing an Amethyst Geode
G.I. Geode
Obtain calcite
Galileo Figaro
Zoom in on something using a Spyglass
G.I. Geode
Zoom in using a spyglass
Craft Tinted Glass using Glass and Amethyst Shards and use it to block out light
Galileo Figaro
Place tinted glass
Amethyst Miner
Mine a stack of Amethyst Blocks, Amethyst Clusters, and every size of Amethyst Bud
Obtain 64 Amethyst Blocks, Clusters, and Small, Medium and Large Amethyst Buds
Obtain diamonds
Isn't It Iron Pick
Iconic Merchandising Prop
Create a pickaxe of the highest calibre
Obtain a diamond pickaxe
Do you like my sword sword?
Iconic Merchandising Prop
Obtain a diamond sword
Even MOAR tools
Craft a full diamond tools set
Craft a diamond pickaxe, shovel, axe and hoe
Rest in Pickaxes
Break your first diamond pickaxe
Even MOAR tools
Cover Me With Diamonds
Diamond armor saves lives
Iconic Merchandising Prop
Wear either a diamond helmet, chestplate, leggings, or boots
Diamond Clad
A full suit of diamond armor saves even more lives
Cover Me With Diamonds
Wear a diamond helmet, chestplate, leggings, and boots at the same time
Diamond Miner
Mine a stack of diamonds. Good luck!
Diamond Clad
Diamonds to you!
Throw diamonds at another player or mob
Diamond Miner
Throw a diamond and have any other entity pick it up
Mineral Collection
Craft every type of mineral block
Diamond Miner
See requirement notes below
Master Diamond Miner
Mine enough diamond to make a stack of diamond blocks
Mineral Collection
Mr. Bean
Craft a stack of Raw Iron, Copper and Gold Blocks
Mineral Collection
Emerald Miner
Mine a stack of raw emerald ore
Diamond Miner
Obtain 64 Emerald Ore or 64 Deepslate Emerald Ore
Mine a stack of every ore block
Emerald Miner
See requirement notes below
Hot Stuff
Fill a bucket with lava
Iconic Merchandising Prop
Obtain a lava bucket
Ice Bucket Challenge
Form and mine a block of obsidian
Hot Stuff
Obtain a block of obsidian
Craft an enchanting table
Ice Bucket Challenge
We Need to Go Deeper
Build, light and enter a Nether Portal
Ice Bucket Challenge
Enter a nether portal block
Obsidian Miner
Mine a stack of obsidian. (This might take a while...)
We Need to Go Deeper
Lush Hour
Obtain a stack of: Small Dripleaf, Big Dripleaf, Moss Carpet, Moss Block, Azalea, Flowering Azalea, Azalea Leaves, Flowering Azalea Leaves, Rooted Dirt, Hanging Roots, Spore Blossoms
Bottom to Top
Place at y-level 319: Stone, Granite, Andesite, Diorite, Gravel, Dirt, Deepslate, Tuff, Moss, Moss Carpet, Clay, Dripstone, Pointed Dripstone, Sculk
Sly Copper: The Copper Heist
Obtain a stack of: Copper Blocks, Cut Copper, Cut Copper Stairs, Cut Copper Slabs, Chiseled Copper, Copper Grates, Copper Bulbs, Copper Doors, Copper Trapdoors in all four oxidization stages, and in all four waxed stages
MOAR Broken Tools
Break the following tools: Wooden, Stone, Golden, Iron, Diamond and Netherite Shovels, Pickaxes, Axes, Hoes and Swords, Fishing Rod, Bow, Shield, Trident, Crossbow, Carrot on a Stick, Shears, Flint and Steel, Warped Fungus on a Stick, Brush, Mace
Where are all your clothes?
Break the following pieces of armor: Leather, Golden, Chain, Iron, Diamond and Netherite Helmets, Chestplates, Leggings, and Boots, Turtle Shell and Elytra
Mineral Collection
Obtain a block of: Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Quartz, Netherite, Copper, Amethyst, Raw Iron, Raw Gold and Raw Copper
Obtain a stack of: Coal Ore, Copper Ore, Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Redstone Ore, Lapis Lazuli Ore, Diamond Ore, Emerald Ore, Nether Quartz Ore, Nether Gold Ore, Ancient Debris, and Deepslate Coal, Copper, Gold, Iron, Diamond, Redstone and Lapis Lazuli Ores. Deepslate Emerald Ore is not required
Your only limit is your imagination... and resources
Obtain a crafting table
Your Door Was Locked
Craft a door to stop monsters from entering your house
Obtain any type of door (can be an iron door)
Cut In Half
Craft some slabs
Your Door Was Locked
Obtain any kind of slab
Stairs? NOOOOO!
Craft some stairs
Cut In Half
Obtain any kind of stairs
Slabs For Days
Craft every type of slab
Fake monument
See requirement notes below
Ah, My Old Enemy...
Craft every type of stair
Slabs For Days
See requirement notes below
Sweet Dreams
Sleep in a bed to change your respawn point
Your Door Was Locked
Sleep in a bed. You do not have to pass the night
Change of Sheets
Dye your bed a different color
Sweet Dreams
Obtain a bed of any color other than white
Rainbow Dreams
Craft every color of bed
Change of Sheets
Go 30 days without sleep
Rainbow Dreams
Ladder Climbers Inc.
Climb the ladder!
Your Door Was Locked
Enter a ladder block
It's a Trap!
Craft and place down a trapdoor
Ladder Climbers Inc.
Place any type of trapdoor (can be an iron trapdoor)
Aaaaaand... OPEN!
Craft and place an iron door
It's a Trap!
Place an iron door
En Garde
Erect some fencing
Your Door Was Locked
Place any type of fence (can be nether brick fence)
The Walls
Put up some cobblestone walls
En Garde
Place a cobblestone wall
Crazy Walls
Craft every type of wall
The Walls
See requirement notes below
Stationary Storage
Craft and place a chest for storing your items
Your Door Was Locked
Place a chest
Barrel Rider
Craft and place a barrel. Totally not for riding in
It's a Sign
Place a barrel
Writer's Block
Craft a lectern using wooden slabs and a bookshelf then place it
Barrel Rider
Place a lectern
Shelf Expression
Fill a Chiseled Bookshelf with books
Writer's Block
Place a book inside a Chiseled Bookshelf such that all slots become occupied
It's a Sign
Craft and place a sign
Your Door Was Locked
Place any type of sign
Hanging Around
Put up a Hanging Sign
It's a Sign
Place any type of hanging sign
Sign Off
Use honeycomb to wax a sign, setting its ink for eternity
Hanging Around
Use honeycomb on any sign
Colors of the Wind
Dye a sign with each color of dye
Sign Off
Use all 16 dyes on any sign
Help! I've been framed!
Craft an item frame for displaying your items
It's a Sign
Obtain an item frame
A Masterpiece!
Put up a painting
Help! I've been framed!
Place a painting
Art Gallery
Place every type of painting
A Masterpiece!
Raise the flag!
Craft and place a banner
Help! I've been framed!
Prepare to Meet Your Loom!
Craft a loom with string and planks for creating your own banners
Raise the flag!
Obtain a loom
No Banner, only Color!
Craft all 16 banner colors
Prepare to Meet Your Loom!
Fruit of the Looms
Craft all the special banner patterns
Prepare to Meet Your Loom!
See requirement notes below
Light up the area with some torches
Your Door Was Locked
Place a torch
Camping Out
Craft and place a campfire using some logs, sticks and coal
Delicious, Hot Schmoes!
Place every type of cookable food on a campfire
Camping Out
See requirement notes below
Spawn Camping
Travel close to 0,0 coordinates and place down a campfire
Delicious, Hot Schmoes!
Place a campfire or soul campfire with x and z coordinates both being between -10 and 10, in any dimension
Light up with jack o' lanterns!
Place a jack o' lantern
One Pickle, Two Pickle, Sea Pickle, Four
Place four sea pickles in a group underwater
Place a sea pickle on top of three existing sea pickles to create a group of four
Setting up the mood
Place a candle and light it using Flint and Steel
One Pickle, Two Pickle, Sea Pickle, Four
Light any type of candle or candle cake using either Flint and Steel or a Fire Charge
The Ritual Begins
Get one stack of Black Candles
Setting up the mood
Happy Birthday!
Place a candle on a cake
Setting up the mood
Festival of Lights
Light up the area using a lantern
Place a lantern
Light up the area with glowstone
Festival of Lights
Place a glowstone block
Shroom Lightyear
Light up the area with Shroomlight!
Place a shroomlight
Light up the area with soul fire torches and soul fire lanterns!
Shroom Lightyear
Place a soul fire torch and a soul fire lantern
Light up the area with all three hues of Froglight
Place Ochre, Verdant and Pearlescent Froglights
Light up the area with some redstone lamps
Place a redstone lamp
Light up the area with a Copper Bulb!
Place any Copper Bulb
Lighten Up
Scrape a Copper Bulb with an axe to make it brighter
Use an axe on a Copper Bulb that is either waxed or exposed, weathered or oxidized
Light up the area with some sea lanterns
Place a sea lantern
Light up the area with some end rods
Place an end rod
Let There Be Light!
Hold a stack of every light-emitting block and item
See requirement notes below
A Good Start
Chop down enough trees to collect a full stack of one log type
Barking mad
Craft a bark block
A Good Start
Obtain a "wood" or "hyphae" block of any kind
Lost its bark
Strip a bark block of its bark
Barking Mad
Strip a wood or hyphae block using an axe
Professor Oak
Craft every type of item made out of oak wood
Lost its bark
See requirement notes below
Spruce Lee
Craft every type of item made out of spruce wood
Professor Oak
See requirement notes below
Professor Birch
Craft every type of item made out of birch wood
Spruce Lee
See requirement notes below
The Jungler
Craft every type of item made out of jungle wood
Professor Birch
See requirement notes below
Craft every type of item made out of bamboo wood
The Jungler
See requirement notes below
Mangrove Master
Craft every type of item made out of mangrove wood
See requirement notes below
The Acacia King
Craft every type of item made out of acacia wood
Professor Birch
See requirement notes below
Professor Dark Oak
Craft every type of item made out of dark oak wood
The Acacia King
See requirement notes below
Cherry Bomb
Craft every type of item made out of cherry wood
Professor Dark Oak
See requirement notes below
Yay! I got my wood!
Collect every type of log and stem
Lost its bark
Obtain every type of log and stem. See types below
Strip the bark off every type of log, stem and bamboo block
Yay! I got my wood!
Strip every type of log and stem. See types below
Master Logger
Cut down a full stack of logs and stems of all types
Obtain 64 of every type of log and stem. See types below
I don't like sand
It's coarse, and rough, and irritating, and it gets everywhere
Obtain sand
Use a shovel to create dirt paths
I don't like sand
Right-click a grass block using any shovel
Grass Type
Obtain every type of grass block in your inventory
Obtain grass block, podzol, mycelium, crimson nylium, and warped nylium
Place a Grass Block high in the sky
Grass Type
Place a grass block at y-level 280 or higher in the Overworld
Classy Glassy
Smelt sand in a furnace to get glass
I don't like sand
Obtain a glass block
What a pane
Craft some glass panes
Classy Glassy
Craft every color of stained glass
What a pane
Pane in the Glass
Craft a stack of all 16 colors of stained glass panes
Stuck in the Mud
Use a Water Bottle on some Dirt to turn it into Mud
Classy Glassy
Elmer Mudd
Craft or obtain all forms of Mud and Mud Brick
Stuck in the Mud
Obtain Mud, Packed Mud, Muddy Mangrove Roots, Mud Brick blocks, slabs, stairs and walls
Rainbow Sand
Craft concrete powder using sand, gravel and dye
I don't like sand
Obtain any color of concrete powder
Concrete Evidence
Create concrete from concrete powder by dropping it into water
Rainbow Sand
Obtain any color of concrete
The Rainbow You Always Wanted
Craft every color of concrete
Concrete Evidence
Dig up some clay from a lake
I don't like sand
Obtain clay
Fire up that clay!
Obtain a brick block
Pot Planter
Craft and place a flower pot
Harry Potter
Place every type of plant in a flower pot
Pot Planter
See requirement notes below
The Terracotta Army
Craft every color of terracotta (stained clay)
Pot Planter
The Glazed Terracotta Army
Craft every color of glazed terracotta
The Terracotta Army
Rock Collection
Collect all the different types of rocks
Obtain cobblestone, granite, andesite, diorite, tuff, calcite, dripstone block, cobbled grimstone and smooth basalt
Rock Polish
Craft every type of polished block
Rock Collection
Obtain polished andesite, diorite, granite, deepslate, tuff, basalt and blackstone
Fake stronghold
Craft or obtain all forms of normal, cracked, mossy and chiseled stone bricks
Rock Polish
Obtain stone brick and mossy stone brick blocks, slabs, stairs and walls, and cracked and chiseled stone bricks
Jailhouse Block
Craft or find some iron bars
Fake stronghold
Creepers and Withers
Engrave sandstone with creeper and wither patterns
Jailhouse Block
Obtain chiseled sandstone and chiseled red sandstone
Built on Sand, Set in Stone
Craft or collect a stack of all forms of Sandstone and Red Sandstone
Creepers and Withers
See requirement notes below
Tuff Stuff
Craft or collect all forms of Tuff, Polished Tuff, and Tuff Bricks
Fake stronghold
See requirement notes below
Deepslate Conspiracy
Craft all forms of Deepslate, Polished Deepslate, Deepslate Bricks and Deepslate Tiles
Tuff Stuff
See requirement notes below
Fake fortress
Craft or collect all forms of nether brick and red nether brick
Grim Reaper
See requirement notes below
Greek Art Decor
Craft all forms of quartz blocks
Fake fortress
Obtain quartz and smooth quartz blocks, slabs and stairs, quartz pillars and bricks and chiseled quartz blocks
Fake monument
Craft or collect all forms of prismarine blocks
Greek Art Decor
Obtain prismarine, dark prismarine and prismarine brick blocks, slabs, stairs, and prismarine walls
No Chain, No Gain
Craft a chain using an iron ingot and iron nuggets
Greek Art Decor
Craft all forms of Blackstone, Polished Blackstone and Polished Blackstone Bricks
No Chain, No Gain
See requirement notes below
It's original form
Use your furnace to smelt cobblestone back into normal stone
Rock Collection
Obtain a block of stone
Smooth, dude!
Smelt normal stone further into smooth stone
It's original form
Blast it!
Upgrade your furnace to a blast furnace using iron and smooth stone for smelting ores quicker
Smooth, dude!
Craft and place an armor stand
Smooth, dude!
Place an armor stand
Living Dummy
Get killed from hitting an Armor Stand
Get killed by thorns damage from an Armor Stand that is equipped with Thorns-enchanted armor
Armor Display
Place all six sets of armor on six different armor stands
Living Dummy
Place a full suit of each of the six armors on an armor stand
Sharpening Station
Craft a grindstone using a stone slab, planks and sticks for repairing tools
It's original form
Classic Pocket Edition Block
Craft a stonecutter using stone and an iron ingot
Sharpening Station
Agent Smithing Table
Craft a smithing table
Classic Pocket Edition Block
Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble!
Fill a cauldron using a bucket
Agent Smithing Table
Hot Tub
Sit in a cauldron filled with lava
Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble!
Enter a lava cauldron
Washing Machine
Use a cauldron to clean leather armor, a banner and a shulker box
Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble!
Slabs For Days
Obtain the following slabs: Stone, Sandstone, Cobblestone, Brick, Stone Brick, Nether Brick, Quartz, Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Red Sandstone, Purpur, Prismarine, Prismarine Brick, Dark Prismarine, Smooth Stone, Polished Granite, Mossy Stone Brick, Polished Diorite, Mossy Cobblestone, End Stone Brick, Smooth Sandstone, Smooth Quartz, Granite, Andesite, Red Nether Brick, Polished Andesite, Diorite, Cut Sandstone, Cut Red Sandstone, Smooth Red Sandstone, Crimson, Warped, Blackstone, Polished Blackstone, Polished Blackstone Brick, Cut Copper, Exposed Cut Copper, Weathered Cut Copper, Oxidised Cut Copper, Waxed Cut Copper, Waxed Exposed Cut Copper, Waxed Weathered Cut Copper, Waxed Oxidized Cut Copper, Cobbled Deepslate, Polished Deepslate, Deepslate Brick, Deepslate Tile, Mangrove, Mud Brick, Bamboo, Bamboo Mosaic, Cherry, Tuff, Polished Tuff, Tuff Brick
Ah, my old enemy...
Obtain the same stairs as there are slab types (see above), excluding: Smooth Stone, Cut Sandstone and Cut Red Sandstone
Crazy Walls
Obtain the following walls: Cobblestone, Mossy Cobblestone, Brick, Prismarine, Red Sandstone, Mossy Stone Brick, Granite, Stone Brick, Nether Brick, Andesite, Red Nether Brick, Sandstone, End Stone Brick, Diorite, Blackstone, Polished Blackstone, Polished Blackstone Brick, Cobbled Deepslate, Polished Deepslate, Deepslate Brick, Deepslate Tile, Mud Brick, Tuff, Polished Tuff, Tuff Brick
Fruit of the Looms
Obtain the following banner patterns: Flower Charge, Creeper Charge, Skull Charge, Thing, Globe, Piglin, Flow, Guster, Field Masoned, Bordure Indented
Delicious, Hot Schmoes!
Place on a campfire: Raw Porkchop, Raw Beef, Raw Chicken, Raw Cod, Raw Salmon, Potato, Raw Mutton, Raw Rabbit, Kelp
Let There Be Light!
Obtain a stack of: Glowstone, Jack o' Lanterns, Redstone Lamps, Sea Lanterns, Sea Pickles, Shroomlight, Lanterns, Campfires, End Rods, Torches, Soul Fire Lanterns, Soul Fire Torches, Ender Chests, Redstone Torches, Magma Blocks, Crying Obsidian, Soul Campfires, Amethyst Cluster, Small, Medium and Large Amethyst Buds, Glow Lichen, Glow Berries, every type of Candle, Ochre, Verdant and Pearlescent Froglights, all four oxidation stages of Copper Bulbs (whether they are waxed or not does not matter) The following do not need to be obtained even though they emit light: Beacons, Conduits, Furnaces, Blast Furnaces, Smokers, Redstone Ore, Brewing Stands, Brown Mushrooms, Dragon Eggs, Sculk Sensors, Sculk Catalysts and any other light-emitting blocks not mentioned
Professor Oak Spruce Lee Professor Birch The Jungler Mangrove Master The Acacia King Professor Dark Oak Cherry Bomb
For the respective type of wood, obtain: Planks, Log, Wood, Stripped Log, Stripped Wood, Slab, Pressure Plate, Fence, Trapdoor, Fence Gate, Stairs, Button, Door, Boat, Chest Boat, Sign and Hanging Sign. Saplings and Leaves are not required.
Obtain the following items: Bamboo Planks, Mosaic, Blocks, Stripped Blocks, Slab, Mosaic Slab, Pressure Plate, Fence, Trapdoor, Fence Gate, Stairs, Mosaic Stairs, Button, Door, Boat, Chest Boat, Sign and Hanging Sign
Yay! I got my wood! Stripper Master Logger
The wood types required are: Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Crimson, Warped, Mangrove, Bamboo and Cherry
Harry Potter
Place the following in a flower pot: Dandelion, Poppy, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Red Tulip, Orange Tulip, White Tulip, Pink Tulip, Oxeye Daisy, Cornflower, Lily of the Valley, Wither Rose, Oak Sapling, Spruce Sapling, Birch Sapling, Jungle Sapling, Acacia Sapling, Dark Oak Sapling, Red Mushroom, Brown Mushroom, Fern, Dead Bush, Cactus, Bamboo, Crimson Fungus, Warped Fungus, Crimson Roots, Warped Roots, Azalea, Flowering Azalea, Mangrove Propagule, Cherry Sapling, Torchflower
Built on Sand, Set in Stone
Obtain a stack of: Sandstone blocks, slabs, stairs, walls; Smooth Sandstone blocks, slabs, stairs; Cut Sandstone blocks, slabs; Chiseled Sandstone, Red Sandstone blocks, slabs, stairs, walls; Smooth Red Sandstone blocks, slabs, stairs; Cut Red Sandstone blocks, slabs; Chiseled Red Sandstone
Tuff Stuff
Obtain: Tuff, Polished Tuff and Tuff Brick blocks, slabs, stairs, walls; and also Chiseled Tuff and Chiseled Tuff Bricks
Deepslate Conspiracy
Obtain: Cobbled Deepslate, Polished Deepslate, Deepslate Brick and Deepslate Tile blocks, slabs, stairs, walls; (regular) Deepslate, Chiseled Deepslate, Cracked Deepslate Bricks and Cracked Deepslate Tiles
Fake Fortress
Obtain: Nether Brick and Red Nether Brick blocks, slabs, stairs, and walls; Nether Brick Fence, Cracked Nether Bricks and Chiseled Nether Bricks
Obtain: Blackstone, Polished Blackstone and Polished Blackstone Brick blocks, slabs, stairs, and walls; Cracked Polished Blackstone Bricks, Chiseled Polished Blackstone and Gilded Blackstone
Hoe Hoe Hoe
Craft a wooden, stone, iron, gold or diamond hoe
Care for the environment
Plant a sapling
Place any type of sapling
Crunch into an apple
Care for the environment
Eat an apple
Trimming the treetops
Use shears to obtain a leaf block
Obtain any leaf block
Use shears to pick up short grass or ferns
Trimming the treetops
Obtain either grass or ferns
Yay! Deadbush!
Get a deadbush cause you're a noob
Obtain a dead bush
Plant down all types of saplings
See requirement notes below
A Mangrove Grove
Plant a Mangrove Propagule in a Grove biome
Ultra Hardcore
Craft and eat a normal golden apple
An Apple a Day
Eat an Apple every day for 30 in-game days
Ultra Hardcore
See requirement notes below
Berry Nice!
Pick and eat some Sweet Berries
Care for the environment
Disen Berry Berry Bad!
Get stuck in a Sweet Berry Bush. Oh, icky yucky goo!
Berry Nice!
Enter a sweet berry bush block
Gather both types of mushroom
Care for the environment
Obtain a red and brown mushroom
Mushroom, mushroom!
Slurp some mushroom stew
Eat a mushroom stew
Mega Mushroom
Grow a giant mushroom and then harvest it with silk touch
Mushroom, mushroom!
Obtain a red or brown or stem mushroom block
Suspicious Looking Stew
Slurp some suspicious stew and pray you don't suddenly see giant flying eyeballs in the sky
Mushroom, mushroom!
Eat a suspicious stew
I'm gonna be sick!
Slurp every type of suspicious stew
Suspicious Looking Stew
See requirement notes below
Sugar, Sugar
Harvest some sugar cane from a river or an ocean
Care for the environment
Obtain sugar cane
It's full of ink
Obtain some ink from hunting a squid
Sugar, Sugar
Squid Game
Hunt enough Squids to collect a stack of Ink Sacs
It's full of ink
Write your thoughts
Use a book, ink and a feather to craft a book and quill
It's full of ink
An amazing story!
Finish writing in your book or get a book from another player
Write your thoughts
Obtain a written book
Kelp me!
Collect some kelp from an ocean
Sugar, Sugar
Aquatic Biofuel
Craft a dried kelp block for use as a great fuel source
Kelp me!
Undersea Gardener
Craft a full stack of dried kelp blocks
Aquatic Biofuel
Eat nothing but dried kelp for three in-game days
Undersea Gardener
Eat dried kelp once; in the following three in-game days, eat nothing but dried kelp.
It's a cactus!
Break down a cactus in a desert
Care for the environment
Obtain a cactus
Run into a cactus
It's a cactus!
Take damage from touching a cactus
A Seedy Place
Plant a seed and watch it grow
Place wheat, melon, pumpkin, beetroot, nether wart or torchflower seeds, or a pitcher pod
Beetroot soup gives you souperpowers!
A Seedy Place
Eat a beetroot soup
Bake Bread
Grow wheat and use it to bake bread
A Seedy Place
Eat bread
The Lie
Wheat, sugar, milk and eggs!
Bake Bread
Craft cake
Hay there!
Craft a full stack of hay blocks
The Lie
Must be your birthday
Eat 100 slices of cake
Hay there!
It's where Nutella comes from
Obtain some cocoa beans from a jungle
Bake Bread
Me Love Cookie
Bake some cookies... and then scoff them all yourself
It's where Nutella comes from
Eat a cookie
Hot Chocolate
Plant some cocoa in the nice steamy Nether
Me Love Cookie
Place cocoa beans in the Nether
Naturally Carved
Harvest some spooky pumpkins
A Seedy Place
The Pie
Bake a pumpkin pie
Naturally Carved
Obtain a pumpkin pie
Do you want to build a snow golem?
The Pie
Shear the Pumpkin off of a Snow Golem to unveil their true face
Pumpa Kungen
Carve a full stack of pumpkins
Obtain 64 Carved Pumpkins
The melon! The melon! The melon!
Eat a melon. Be careful not to drop it over a cliff
Naturally Carved
Scientific Inaccuracy
Craft 9 melon slices back into one block that, when broken, will probably not give you all 9 slices back
The melon! The melon! The melon!
Craft a melon block
The Meloncholy Dane
Craft a full stack of melon blocks
Scientific Inaccuracy
Die, Potato!
Squash and eat a potato
A Seedy Place
Eat a potato or baked potato
Not today!
Eat a poisonous potato
Die, Potato!
24 Carrot Gold
Eat a golden carrot
Die, Potato!
The garbage will do!
Craft a composter using wooden slabs then place it
A Seedy Place
Place a composter
Natural Fertiliser
Fill up a composter
The garbage will do!
One-course meal
Use bone meal to grow a sapling into a tree
Natural Fertiliser
This advancement is awarded when the sapling actually turns into a tree
Combine Harvester
Use bone meal on everything that can be grown
One-course meal
See requirement notes below
What's new with composting?
Compost every type of compostable item in a Composter
Combine Harvester
See requirement notes below
Come to the countryside!
Plant every single type of crop on farmland
One-course meal
Plant wheat seeds, beetroot seeds, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, carrots, potatoes, torchflower seeds and pitcher pod
Serious Dedication
Completely use up a diamond hoe, and then reevaluate your life choices
Come to the countryside!
Break a diamond hoe
Full Stomach
Fill both your hunger bar and saturation level
Both your hunger level and saturation level must be 20
Eat every type of fruit, vegetables, and any sort of plant matter
Full Stomach
See requirement notes below
Meat Lovers
Eat every type of meat, even if uncooked or rotten
See requirement notes below
A Balanced Diet
Eat everything that is edible, even if it's not good for you
Meat Lovers
Eat every food required for "Vegetarian" and "Meat Lovers"
A Gluttonous Diet
Obtain a full stack of all the foods
A Balanced Diet
See requirement notes below
Place: Oak, Spruce, Birch, Jungle, Acacia, Dark Oak, Cherry and Bamboo saplings, Azaleas, Flowering Azaleas and Mangrove Propagules
An Apple a Day
The day counter increments when the player eats an apple on a day that they haven't eaten an apple yet. Every sunrise, it will check if at least one apple was eaten in the previous day. If there wasn’t, it will reset the day counter for apples. If there was, it resets the apple eaten scoreboard, meaning the player will need to eat another apple on this day
I'm gonna be sick!
Eat Suspicious Stew with the following flowers added: Oxeye Daisy, Cornflower, Lily of the Valley, Wither Rose, any Tulip, Azure Bluet, Allium, Poppy, and either Blue Orchid or Dandelion
Combine Harvester
Use Bone Meal on: Wheat Seeds, Carrots, Potatoes, Beetroot Seeds, Bamboo, Melon Stem, Pumpkin Stem, all six types of Saplings, Sunflowers, Lilacs, Rose Bushes, Peonies, Grass (so it turns into Tall Grass), Fern (so it turns into Large Fern), Seagrass (so it turns into Tall Seagrass), Red Mushroom, Brown Mushroom, Cocoa, Sweet Berry Bush, Sea Pickles, Kelp, Weeping Vines, Twisting Vines, Crimson Fungus, Warped Fungus, Glow Lichen, Small OR Big Dripleaves, Cave Vines, Azalea, Flowering Azalea, Mangrove Propagule, Mangrove Leaves, Rooted Dirt, Cherry Sapling, Torchflower Crop, Pitcher Crop, Pink Petals Bone meal does NOT need to be used on blocks that randomly grow a spread of plants (e.g. Grass, Nylium, Moss, underwater blocks to get Seagrass, etc) Known bug: Red Mushrooms, Brown Mushrooms, Azaleas, Flowering Azaleas and Mangrove Propagules only count if you bone-meal them but they don't immediately grow. This is due to how the item_used_on_block trigger works and can't be fixed, but bear this in mind.
What's new with composting?
Eat the following foods: Apple, Mushroom Stew, Bread, Golden Apple, Notch Apple, Melon, Carrot, Potato, Baked Potato, Poisonous Potato, Golden Carrot, Pumpkin Pie, Chorus Fruit, Beetroot, Beetroot Soup, Dried Kelp, Suspicious Stew, Sweet Berries, Honey Bottle, Glow Berries, Cookie
Meat Lovers
Eat the following foods: Raw Porkchop, Cooked Porkchop, Raw Fish, Salmon, Clownfish, Pufferfish, Cooked Fish, Cooked Salmon, Raw Beef, Steak, Raw Chicken, Cooked Chicken, Rotten Flesh, Spider Eye, Rabbit, Cooked Rabbit, Rabbit Stew, Mutton, Cooked Mutton
A Balanced Diet
Eat every food required for Vegetarian and Meat Lovers
A Gluttonous Diet
Obtain a stack of every food required for "Vegetarian" and "Meat Lovers"
The world is full of friends and food
Eat any food item
Gotta kill this pig pig pig pig!
Kill a pig
Pork Chop
You know kung fu, how about pork chop?
Eat a cooked porkchop
When Pigs Used to Fly
Craft a carrot on a stick so you can ride a pig off a cliff.
Pork Chop
Obtain a carrot on a stick
Pig Slaughterer
Collect a stack of raw porkchops
When Pigs Used to Fly
Swine Sailing
Ride a saddled pig in a boat in a minecart
Pig Slaughterer
Ride a saddled pig that is inside a boat that is inside a minecart
Rabbit Season
Killing bunnies is cruel. Period
Eat cooked rabbit
They're breeding like rabbits!
Breed two bunnies together
Rabbit Season
Lucky Charm
Get a rabbit's foot
They're breeding like rabbits!
Getting Into a Stew
Make and eat some rabbit stew
Lucky Charm
Eat rabbit stew
In a hole there lived a Rabbit...
Collect a stack of raw rabbit and rabbit hide
Getting Into a Stew
Bunny Lover
Breed a baby bunny of every variant
In a hole there lived a Rabbit...
See requirement notes below
Going Down the Rabbit Hole
Bring a rabbit to the bottom of the world, then kill it
Getting Into a Stew
Kill a rabbit that is below y-level -59.5
Just Keeps Going
Eat Rabbit Stew, then avoid eating for the next 3 in-game days
Going Down the Rabbit Hole
Eat Rabbit Stew once; in the following 3 days, eat nothing else
Cow Tipper
Harvest some leather
Obtain leather
High Steaks
The steaks are high for this advancement!
Cow Tipper
Eat steak
Breed two cows with wheat
High Steaks
Milk does your body good
Take a swig swig swig swig
Drink a milk bucket
True Cow Tipper
Collect a stack of raw beef and leather
Milk does your body good
Mooshroom Kingdom
Find mooshrooms on a mushroom island
True Cow Tipper
Enter a mushroom fields or mushroom fields shore biome
Super Mooshroom
Breed two stubborn mooshrooms together
Mooshroom Kingdom
Milk a mooshroom with a bowl to get mushroom stew
Super Mooshroom
Mushroom Scientist
Strike a mooshroom with lightning and see what happens
Breed every type of animal
See requirement notes below
Animal Kingdom
Bring one of every type of animal to one place (have them all within 32 blocks of you)
See requirement notes below
Cool Kids
Craft and wear a leather jacket
Cow Tipper
Obtain a leather tunic
Fashion Statement
Dye some leather pants with one color and put them on
Cool Kids
Dye leather pants using one dye
Shoe Shed
Dye 16 pairs of leather boots each with one of the individual colors
Fasion Statement
Dye 16 pairs of leather boots each with one of the different dyes
Humble Bundle
Craft a Bundle using Leather and String
Cow Tipper
Obtain a bundle
Put a Bundle in a Bundle in a Bundle in a Bundle in a Bundle… 16 layers deep
Humble Bundle
Tickle Time!
Pluck some feathers from a chicken
Obtain a feather
So Good
Can't beat it, can't beat it
Tickle Time!
Eat cooked chicken
Which came first?
The chicken... or the egg??
So Good
Obtain an egg
Feeding the Ducks Chickens
Breed chickens by feeding them seeds
Which came first?
Chicken Cooper
Collect a stack of raw chicken and feathers
Feeding the Ducks Chickens
Tame a Parrot using seeds. WARNING: Do not use a cookie!
Feeding the Ducks Chickens
Is it a Bird?
Look at a Parrot through a Spyglass
Tame all parrot variants
You have to tame: Red, Blue, Cyan, Green and Gray parrots
Obtain wool from a sheep by killing it
Kill a sheep
Feeling Sheepish
You'll get over it
Eat cooked mutton
Mary Had a Little Lamb...
Breed two sheep to get a lamb
Feeling Sheepish
Have a Shearful Day
Use Shears to obtain wool from a sheep
Mary Had a Little Lamb...
Collect a stack of white wool
Have a Shearful Day
Live and Let Dye
Dye Sheep with all 16 colors of wool
Right click a sheep with all 16 dyes
Rainbow Collection
Gather all 16 colors of wool
Live and Let Dye
Fuzzy Feet
Craft all 16 colors of carpet
Rainbow Collection
Goat out of here!
Slaughter a Goat
Have a Shearful Day
Kill a Goat
Billy the Kid
Breed two Goats together using Wheat
Goat out of here!
Whatever Floats Your Goat!
Get in a Boat and float with a Goat
Billy the Kid
Ride a boat that has a goat in it as well
Screaming Milk
Milk a screaming Goat
Whatever Floats Your Goat
Goat Simulator
Get killed by a Goat that rammed into you. You have Goat to be kidding me!
Billy the Kid
Obtain a Goat’s Horn by having one ram into a block
Goat Simulator
Obtain a Goat Horn
Loud and Proud
Play a Goat Horn in the Deep Dark
Play a Goat Horn in the Deep Dark or an Ancient City
Silence of the Lambs
Bring a Sheep into an Ancient City and silence it
Loud and Proud
Kill a Sheep in an Ancient City
Battle of the Bands
Blow into a Goat Horn during a raid
Play a Goat Horn while a raid mob is within 50 mobs
Blow every type of Goat Horn
Battle of the Bands
Play every type of Goat Horn
Ya like jazz?
Breed two bees using flowers
Bee Our Guest
Use a bottle to collect Honey from a Beehive with a campfire beneath it so you don't aggravate the bees
Ya like jazz?
Hive Mind
Craft a bee hive using planks and honeycombs then place it
Bee Our Guest
Place a beehive
Get stung to death by bees
Hive Mind
Total Beelocation
Move a Bee Nest with 3 bees inside using Silk Touch
Hive Mind
Mine a Bee Nest with 3 bees inside using Silk Touch
Honey, I'm Home!
Craft a stack of honeycomb blocks for building a home out of
Total Beelocation
Nest, Quick!
Collect a stack of empty bee nests
Total Beelocation
Obtain 64 Bee Nests
Winnie the Pooh
Drink some honey
Bee Our Guest
Sticky Situation
Jump into a honey block to slide down it
Winnie the Pooh
Slide down a honey block on it's side
Drink 100 bottles of honey
Sticky Situation
Tame a horse by jumping on it over and over again
Foal Play
Breed a horse in an effort to get a better one
Horse Armorer
Make horse armor out of dead horses (No, joking, any leather will do)
Foal Play
Obtain leather horse armor
A Horse in Shining Armor
Find diamond horse armor
Horse Armorer
Colorful Cavalry
Dye 16 sets of leather horse armor each with one of the individual colors
A Horse in Shining Armor
Dye 16 sets of leather horse armor each with one of the different dyes
So Hungry I Could Eat a Horse!
Feed a Horse every type of food that it can eat
A Horse in Shining Armor
Feed a Horse, Donkey or Mule sugar, wheat, apples, hay bales, golden apples, golden carrots, and enchanted golden apples
It's High Noon
Snipe a Husk from 50 blocks away while riding a Horse
So Hungry I Could Eat a Horse!
Kill a Husk with a projectile from at least 50 blocks away while you are riding a Horse
Are we there yet?
Tame a donkey
Artificial Selection
Breed a horse and a donkey to get a mule
Are we there yet?
Master Farrier
Tame all horse variants
Artificial Selection
See requirement notes below
Desert Rider
Find a Camel in a desert village and ride it
Hump Day
Breed two Camels using cactus
Desert Rider
The High Road
Kill a hostile monster with a melee attack while riding a Camel
Hump Day
The same mobs as what triggers "Monster Hunter" can be killed for this advancement
Stay Calmer
Tame a llama
Tame a Llama or Trader Llama
So I got that going for me
Breed two llamas with hay
Stay Calmer
Breed a Llama or Trader Llama
Llama Llama Duck King
Tame all llama variants
So I got that going for me
You have to tame: Creamy, White, Brown and Gray Llamas OR Trader Llamas
Llama Festival
Sit on Llamas with all 16 colors of carpet. Getting off will reset your progress
Llama Llama Duck King
This works with either Llamas or Trader Llamas
Heavy Duty Caravan
Tame a llama with a strength of 5
Llama Festival
Tame a Llama or Trader Llama with a strength of 5
Blistering Barnacles!
Get spat at by a llama
So I got that going for me
Get damaged by a llama spitting at you
Lead the Way!
Craft a lead using string and a slimeball, then attach it to a mob
Right-click a mob that can be leashed with a lead
Attach a lead to a bee
Lead the Way!
You Lead, I'll Follow
Attach a lead to a llama to form a llama caravan
Follow the Leader
Attach a lead to every mob that can be leashed
You Lead, I'll Follow
See requirement notes below
Leader of the Pack
Befriend a wolf
Tame a wolf
Puppies! Yipe!
Breed two wolves together to get a puppy!
Leader of the Pack
Isn't It Scute?
Brush an Armadillo to get Armadillo Scutes
Puppies! Yipe!
Use a Brush on an Armadillo
Breed two Armadillos using Spider Eyes
Isn't It Scute?
Equip your canine best friend with Wolf Armor
Place Wolf Armor on a wolf
Good as New
Repair damaged Wolf Armor using Armadillo Scutes
Shear Brilliance
Remove Wolf Armor from a Wolf using Shears
Good as New
Paw Patrol
Equip Wolves with Wolf Armor dyed blue, red, yellow, lime, pink and orange
Shear Brilliance
Place Wolf Armor of each colour on wolves
The Whole Pack
Tame one of each Wolf variant
Paw Patrol
Tame the wolf variants: Ashen, Black, Chestnut, Pale, Rusty, Snowy, Spotted, Striped and Woods
What Does The Fox Say?
Breed two red foxes with sweet berries
Puppies! Yipe!
Snow Fox 64
Breed two snow foxes with sweet berries
What Does The Fox Say?
Blackberry Market
Trade some sweet berries to a Fox with an emerald in their mouth
Snow Fox 64
Have a fox with an Emerald in its mouth pick up Sweet Berries that you dropped
Foxy Thievery
Give a fox a Totem of Undying
Blackberry Market
Have a fox pick up a Totem of Undying that you dropped
Frog Family
Breed two Frogs together using slimeballs
Bukkit bukkit
Catch a Tadpole in a bucket
Frog Family
When the Squad Hops into Town
Attach a lead to each variant of Frog
Bukkit bukkit
Fishy Business
Catch a fish
Direct Fishing
Catch a fish by directly skewering it with a sword
Fishy Business
Kill a cod, salmon, pufferfish or tropical fish
Grinding Nemo
Skewer a tropical fish
Direct Fishing
Kill a tropical fish
Kill a Glow Squid
Direct Fishing
Glow and Behold
Use a Glow Ink Sac to light up a sign
Flashy Items
Put an item up for display in a Glowing Item Frame
Glow and Behold
Place an item in a Glowing Item Frame
Iceologer Should've Won
Kill 100 Glow Squids
Flashy Items
Tactical Fishing
Catch a fish... without a fishing rod!
Fishy Business
Pick up a cod, salmon, pufferfish or tropical fish in a bucket
Catch all four types of fish and set them free in an aquarium
Tactical Fishing
Place a cod, salmon, pufferfish and tropical fish bucket
Tropical Collection
Collect all 22 of the common types of tropical fish
See requirement notes below
The Cutest Predator
Catch an Axolotl in a Bucket
Tactical Fishing
The Healing Power of Friendship
Team up with an Axolotl and win a fight
The Cutest Predator
Receive regeneration from an Axolotl by killing a mob one is in conflict with
Thanks a lotl
Feed an Axolotl within an Ocean Monument and watch it go on a Guardian killing spree
The Healing Power of Friendship
Same as The Healing Power of Friendship but both you and the Axolotl must be inside an Ocean Monument
Breed two Axolotls together using Tropical Fish
The Healing Power of Friendship
Kill an Axolotl with an axe
Axolotl of them
Catch all variants of Axolotls inside a Bucket
Catch a Leucistic, Wild, Gold, Cyan and Blue Axolotl
Delicious Fish
Cook and eat a fish!
Fishy Business
Eat a cooked cod or cooked salmon
Eat some raw fish
Delicious Fish
Salmonella Poisoning
Eat some raw salmon... and not get poisoned after all
Catching Nemo
Catch a clownfish
Salmonella Poisoning
Catch a tropical fish through fishing
What a piece of junk!
Fish out a junk item
Catching Nemo
See requirement notes below
Treasure Hunter
Fish out a piece of treasure
What a piece of junk!
See requirement notes below
Someone's been here before...
Fish out a ratty old pair of boots
Treasure Hunter
Catch leather boots through fishing
Master Angler
Collect a stack of all four types of fish
Someone's been here before...
Collect 64 raw cod, raw salmon, pufferfish and tropical fish
Totally not an AFK fisher!
Fish out all types of items
Someone's been here before...
See requirement notes below
Kill a turtle for their shells only to find they don't actually drop their shells when killed
Kill a turtle
Hey, look, Mom!
Use sea grass to breed a baby turtle
Get a scute from a baby turtle when it grows up
Hey, look, Mom!
Obtain a scute
Turtle Soldier
Craft a full turtle shell
Obtain a turtle shell
Save the Turtles!
Collect a stack of turtle eggs
Turtle Soldier
Turtle Army
Collect a stack of Turtle Scutes
Save the Turtles!
Bunny Lover
Breed the following Rabbit variants: Brown, White, Black, Black and White, Gold, and Salt and Pepper
Breed the following animals: Horse, Sheep, Cow, Mooshroom, Pig, Chicken, Wolf, Ocelot, Rabbit, Llama, Turtle, Cat, Panda, Fox, Bee, Hoglin, Strider, Axolotl, Goat, Trader Llama, Donkey, Mule, Frog, Camel, Sniffer, Armadillo
Animal Kingdom
Have the following animals within 32 blocks of you: Axolotl, Bat, Cat, Chicken, Cod, Cow, Donkey, Fox, Frog, Glow Squid, Horse, Mooshroom, Mule, Ocelot, Parrot, Pig, Pufferfish, Rabbit, Salmon, Sheep, Squid, Strider, Tadpole, Tropical Fish, Turtle, Bee, Dolphin, Goat, Llama, Panda, Polar Bear, Wolf, Hoglin, Camel, Sniffer, Skeleton Horse, Armadillo
Master Farrier
Tame horses with every combination of the following colours and patterns: Colours: White, Creamy, Chestnut, Brown, Black, Gray and Dark Brown Patterns: None, White Socks, White Field, White Dots, and Black Dots
Follow the Leader
Attach a lead to the following mobs: Bee, Cat, Chicken, Cow, Dolphin, Donkey, Fox, Hoglin, Horse, Skeleton Horse, Iron Golem, Llama, Trader Llama, Mooshroom, Mule, Ocelot, Parrot, Pig, Polar Bear, Rabbit, Sheep, Snow Golem, Strider, Wolf, Zoglin, Axolotl, Goat, Squid, Glow Squid, Frog, Allay, Camel, Sniffer, Armadillo
Tropical Collection
What a piece of junk!
Reel in one of these items with a Fishing Rod: Bamboo, Bowl, Fishing Rod, Leather, Leather Boots, Rotten Flesh, Stick, String, Water Bottle, Bone, Ink Sac or Tripwire Hook
Treasure Hunter
Reel in one of these items with a Fishing Rod: Bow, Enchanted Book, Fishing Rod, Name Tag, Nautilus Shell, Saddle or Lily Pad
Totally not an AFK fisher!
Reel in ALL of these items with a Fishing Rod: Raw Cod, Raw Salmon, Pufferfish, Tropical Fish, and all items mentioned next to "What a piece of junk!" and "Treasure Hunter"
Battle against the monsters of darkness
Obtain a wood, stone, iron, gold or diamond sword
Monster Hunter
Kill any hostile monster
See requirement notes below
Dead Don't Die
Kill a zombie
Monster Hunter
There has to be another way...
Kill a zombie villager
Dead Don't Die
Iron Belly
Stop starvation using rotten flesh
There has to be another way...
Eat rotten flesh
Desert Nomad
Kill a husk
Iron Belly
Zombie Slayer
Collect a stack of rotten flesh
Desert Nomad
Dead Really Don't Die
Give a zombie a Totem... so that you have to kill it twice
Zombie Slayer
Have a zombie pick up a Totem of Undying that you dropped
Bring a husk to a tundra biome and then kill it
Zombie Slayer
Kill a husk in a snowy tundra or ice spikes biome above y-level 56
Still Talking
Blow up a zombie with a charged creeper to get a zombie head
Obtain a zombie head
Family Reunion
Reunite all zombie variants (and their baby forms) in one place
See requirement notes below
Custom Boss Fight!
Give a zombie full diamond armor and a diamond sword... then kill it
Trick or Treat!
Defeat a mob wearing a pumpkin
Desert Nomad
Handsome Jack
Defeat a mob wearing a jack-o-lantern during Halloween
Trick or Treat!
Kill a mob wearing a jack-o-lantern
A Watery Grave
Defeat a Drowned in the briny depths. Gurgle
There has to be another way...
Kill a drowned
Tridented Shield
Block a trident thrown by a Drowned
A Watery Grave
Because I'm Aquaman!
Obtain a trident from a Drowned
Tridented Shield
Obtain a trident
Mollusc Man
Defeat a Drowned that is holding a nautilus shell
A Watery Grave
Captain Etho
Defeat a Drowned that is holding a nautilus shell and a trident
Mollusc Man
Ooh, Baby!
Kill a baby zombie
Dead Don't Die
Kill a baby zombie, zombie villager, husk, drowned or zombie pigman
Baby, baby, baby nooo!
Kill one of each of a baby zombie, zombie villager, husk, drowned and zombie pigman
Ooooh, Baby!
Poultry Boy
Slay the elusive Chicken Jockey
Baby, baby, baby nooo!
Kill a chicken being ridden by a zombie, zombie villager, husk or drowned, or vice versa
Spooky Skeleton
Kill a skeleton
Monster Hunter
Grind up some bones into bone meal
Spooky Skeleton
Craft bone meal from either bones or bone blocks
Not Today, Thank You
Deflect an arrow with a shield
Block an arrow shot by either a skeleton or a stray
Skeleton Smiter
Collect a stack of bones
Not Today, Thank You
Craft or mine a stack of bone blocks
Skeleton Smiter
Kill a stray
Not Today, Thank You
Bogged Down
Kill a Bogged. Watch those poison arrows!
Poison Dart
Shoot a mob with a Tipped Arrow of Poison
Bogged Down
The Undead Cavalry
Ride a Skeleton Horse
Poison Dart
Bring a stray to a desert biome and then kill it
The Undead Cavalry
Kill a stray in a desert biome above y-level 56
Spooky Skulls
Blow up a skeleton with a charged creeper to get a skeleton skull
Obtain a skeleton skull
Reunite all skeleton variants and their three-headed overlord in one place
See requirement notes below
Ew Ew Ew
Kill a spider
Monster Hunter
Poisonous Ew
Kill a cave spider
Ew Ew Ew
Spider Smasher
Collect a stack of string from spiders or cobwebs
Poisonous Ew
Does whatever a spider can
Spider Smasher
Kill either the spider or skeleton segment of a spider jockey
The Ghastly Eyes
Kill an invisible spider
Kill an invisible spider or cave spider
Pupil Poppers
Eat 1000 Spider Eyes
The Ghastly Eyes
What a creep!
Kill a creeper
Monster Hunter
Keep your distance
Kill a Creeper with arrows
What a creep!
Also works with spectral and tipped arrows
Blast Shield
Survive a creeper's blast with your shield
Keep your distance
Block a creeper's explosion
Controlled Detonation
Persuade a Creeper to blow up using Flint and Steel
Blast Shield
Right-click a creeper using Flint and Steel OR a Fire Charge
Aww man
That was a nice life you had. Shame it had to end at this time time time
Controlled Detonation
Get killed by a creeper's explosion
Creeper Killer
Collect a stack of gunpowder
Controlled Detonation
Creepy Heads!
Blow up a creeper with a charged creeper to get a creeper head
Creeper Killer
Obtain a creeper head
Kill a mob while wearing the same type of mob head
Creepy Heads!
This works for: Creepers, Zombies, Skeletons, Wither Skeletons and Piglins
The ender of ender
Kill an enderman
Monster Hunter
Ender Worm
Prevent an Endermite from maturing
The ender of ender
Kill an endermite
Damage a mob by teleporting into it
Ender Worm
Throw an ender pearl such that it hits a mob
Enderman Destroyer
Collect a stack of ender pearls
Plane Walker
Find and kill an enderman in all three dimensions
Enderman Destroyer
Kill an Enderman with an arrow
Plane Walker
Kill an Enderman while you are holding an arrow :P Also works with spectral and tipped arrows
Basketblock Championship
Kill Endermen that are holding every block that they can hold
See requirement notes below
Kill a witch
Monster Hunter
Miracle Drink
Drink milk or honey to cure poison when on half a heart
Drink milk or honey when poisoned AND on half a heart of health
Taste of your own medicine
Kill a witch with a splash potion
Miracle Drink
Gelatinous Cube
Kill a slime
Monster Hunter
Bounce onto a slime block from at least 30 blocks high
Gelatinous Cube
Land on a slime block after falling at least 30 blocks
Slime Squisher
Collect a stack of slimeballs
Iskallium Collector
Collect enough slimeballs to craft a stack of slime blocks
Slime Squisher
Termite Control
Kill a silverfish
Monster Hunter
The Phantom Menace
Get attacked by Phantoms
Monster Hunter
Take damage from a Phantom's attack
Ricochet Swoop
Deflect a Phantom's swoop with your shield
The Phantom Menace
Block a Phantom's attack
Phantom Slayer
Collect a stack of Phantom Membranes
Ricochet Swoop
Shoot down a phantom with a bow from 30 blocks away
Phantom Slayer
Kill a Phantom from at least 30 blocks away
Two Birds, One Arrow
Kill two Phantoms with a piercing arrow
Kill two Phantoms with the same piercing arrow from a crossbow
We'll handle this
Lure a Phantom into the Nether and then kill it
Two Birds, One Arrow
Kill a Phantom in the Nether
Now that's a lot of damage
Succumb to the Warden
Monster Hunter
Get killed by a Warden
If you can’t see me, I can’t see you
Look at a Warden with a Spyglass
Now that's a lot of damage
Stealth is Optional
Overcome a Warden in the deepest and darkest of caves
If you can’t see me, I can’t see you
Kill a Warden
Warden Frostbite
Bring a Warden to the surface of a snowy plains biome and kill it
Stealth is Optional
Kill a Warden in a Snowy Plains or Ice Spikes biome above y-level 64
Maximum Resistance
Take a hit from the Warden with the maximum possible protection
Warden Frostbite
Take damage from a Warden while wearing full Netherite Armor enchanted with Protection IV and are under the Resistance IV effect (from a Turtle Master potion)
Not Afraid of Heights
Bring a Warden to world height. It can’t be afraid of heights if it can’t see
Stealth is Optional
Have a Warden at y-level 319 or above within 10 blocks of you
House of Freaks
Summon five Wardens and have them all be within 16 blocks of the player
Not Afraid of Heights
Night Runner
Defeat all kinds of Overworld night mobs
Monster Hunter
See requirement notes below
Hell Hunter
Defeat all kinds of Nether mobs
Night Runner
See requirement notes below
Void Ender
Defeat all kinds of End mobs
Hell Hunter
See requirement notes below
Dungeon Crawler
Defeat all kinds of mobs from special structures
Void Ender
See requirement notes below
Monsters Hunted
Kill one of every kind of hostile monster
Dungeon Crawler
See requirement notes below
Monster Hunter
Kill one of the following mobs: Cave Spider, Spider, Zombie Pigman, Enderman, Blaze, Creeper, Evoker, Ghast, Guardian, Husk, Magma Cube, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, Slime, Stray, Vindicator, Witch, Wither Skeleton, Zombie, Zombie Villager, Phantom, Drowned, Pillager, Ravager, Endermite, Vex, Piglin, Hoglin, Zoglin, Elder Guardian, Ender Dragon, Wither, Piglin Brute, Warden, Breeze, Bogged
Family Reunion
Be within 5 blocks of all of the following mobs at once: Zombie, Zombie Villager, Husk, Drowned, Zombified Piglin, and all of their baby variants
Be within 5 blocks of all of the following mobs at once: Skeleton, Stray, Wither Skeleton, Bogged, Skeleton Horse, Wither
Basketblock Championship
Kill Endermen holding the following blocks: Dandelion, Poppy, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Red Tulip, Orange Tulip, White Tulip, Pink Tulip, Oxeye Daisy, Cornflower, Lily of the Valley, Wither Rose, Grass Block, Dirt, Coarse Dirt, Podzol, Sand, Red Sand, Gravel, Red and Brown Mushrooms, TNT, Cactus, Clay, Pumpkin, Carved Pumpkin, Melon Block, Mycelium, Crimson and Warped Fungus, Nylium and Roots, Rooted Dirt, Moss Block, Mud, Muddy Mangrove Roots, Torchflower
Night Runner
Kill all of the following mobs: Creeper, Skeleton (in the overworld), Spider, Zombie, Zombie Villager, Enderman (in the overworld), Witch, Stray, Husk, Slime, Phantom, Drowned, Bogged
Hell Hunter
Kill all of the following mobs: Zombie Pigman, Ghast, Magma Cube, Blaze, Wither Skeleton, Skeleton (in the nether), Enderman (in the nether), Piglin, Hoglin, Zoglin and Piglin Brute
Void Ender
Kill all of the following mobs: Enderman (in the end), Endermite, Shulker, Ender Dragon
Dungeon Crawler
Kill all of the following mobs: Silverfish, Cave Spider, Guardian, Elder Guardian, Pillager, Vindicator, Evoker, Vex, Blaze, Wither Skeleton, Shulker, Piglin Brute, Warden, Breeze Note: Pillagers must be inside a Pillager Outpost when killed, and Vindicators and Evokers must be inside a Woodland Mansion when killed
Monsters Hunted
Kill all of the mobs mentioned next to "Monster Hunter" above
Weapons of choice for combat
Obtain a wood, stone, iron, gold or diamond sword
Take Aim
Shoot something with a bow and arrow
Shoot something with an arrow or spectral arrow
That is so fletch!
Craft a fletching table
Take Aim
Obtain a fletching table
Point Blank
Shoot a mob at point-blank range
Take Aim
Shoot a mob with an arrow from less than 2 blocks away
Bow Spammer
Take out a mob by bow-spamming
Point Blank
Deal less than 1 damage with an arrow
Sniper Duel
Kill a skeleton with an arrow from more than 50 metres
Bow Spammer
Kill a Skeleton, Stray or Bogged with an arrow from at least 50 metres
The Mighty Hunter
Hunt all types of land animals with your bow
Sniper Duel
See requirement notes below
There it goes…
Kill a mob at the bottom of the world from the build limit using any kind of projectile
Sniper Duel
Using any projectile, kill a mob at y-level -59.5 or lower while you are at y-level 319 or higher (in the Overworld) or y-level 255 or higher (in the Nether or End)
Craft a crossbow using sticks, spider string, iron and a hook
Obtain a crossbow
Ol' Betsy
Shoot a crossbow
Who's the Pillager Now?
Give a Pillager a taste of their own medicine
Ol' Betsy
Kill a Pillager with a crossbow
Have nine loaded crossbows in your hotbar. All set!
Who's the Pillager Now?
Fireworks Display
Use gunpowder and paper to craft fireworks
Who's the Pillager Now?
Obtain a firework rocket
Craft a firework of every shape and additional effect
Fireworks Display
See requirement notes below
Explosive Fire
Load your crossbow with a firework
Fireworks Display
My Eyes!
Kill a mob using a firework's explosion
Explosive Fire
Who ya gonna call?
Kill a ghast using a firework's explosion
My Eyes!
Sir Knight
Use planks and iron to craft a shield
Obtain a shield
Shield Luck
Protect yourself from an enemy's attack using your shield
Sir Knight
Block an enemy's attack
Flying Colors
Apply a banner to your shield
Shield Luck
Obtain a shield with any banner
Master Shieldsman
Deflect an attack from every hostile monster
Flying Colors
See requirement notes below
Attack a mob using an axe
Attack a mob using all six types of axes
Shovel Knight
Hit a mob using all six types of shovels
Kill a mob using a shovel while both of you are standing on a Big Dripleaf
Shovel Knight
Hit a mob with every type of weapon
Shovel Knight
See requirement notes below
A Throwaway Joke
Throw a trident at something. Note: Throwing away your only weapon is not a good idea
Throw a trident such that it hits a mob
King of the Sea
Kill a Drowned using a trident from at least 30 metres
A Throwaway Joke
The Aquatic Hunter
Hunt all types of aquatic creatures using your trident
King of the Sea
See requirement notes below
Poseidon vs Hades
Hunt all types of nether creatures using your trident
King of the Sea
See requirement notes below
Nice to Mace You!
Craft a Mace using a Breeze Rod and a Heavy Core, then do a smash attack by hitting a mob after falling
Meteor Strike
Deal 50 hearts of damage in a single hit using the Mace
Nice to Mace You!
Warden Extinction
Deal 250 hearts of damage in a single hit using the Mace… to one-shot a Warden
Meteor Strike
At least 250 hearts of damage must be dealt to a Warden
Bombs Away!
Use gunpowder and sand to craft TNT
Obtain TNT
Blow up a Creeper with some TNT
Bombs Away!
Kill a creeper with a TNT's explosion (best to be hand-lit)
Demolitions Expert
Blow up every hostile mob with TNT
See requirement notes below
Pig Fishing Tournament
Pull a pig using a fishing rod
Hook a pig with a fishing rod and reel in with it
Indiana Jones
Pull a monster using a fishing rod
Pig Fishing Tournament
Works with the same mobs as "Monster Hunter"
When Pigs Finally Fly
Pull a pig from 25 blocks below you and watch it go
Indiana Jones
Pull a pig from at least 25 blocks away
Snowball Fight
The spirit of Christmas... quickly drowned by a battle
Hit a mob with a thrown snowball
A snowball's chance in hell
Defeat a Blaze using snowballs
Snowball Fight
Kill a blaze with a thrown snowball
Kill a Blaze using a Blaze Rod while both you and it are on fire
A snowball's chance in hell
Egging, Dude!
Vandalise something with eggs
Hit a mob with a thrown egg
There's yolk on my head
Catapult an egg onto a zombie's head
Egging, Dude!
Hit a zombie with a thrown egg
Hit a mob with a stick
Slap a mob across the face with a fish
Hit a mob with diamonds
Inspector Gadget
Kill a zombie while holding a spyglass
Rock, Paper, Shears!
Beat a zombie at rock, paper, shears
Inspector Gadget
See requirement notes below
It's time consuming
Kill something using a clock
Die twice within ten seconds
It's time consuming
Die when the last time you died was less than 10 seconds ago
Half Heart Life
Be on half a heart of health for a minute
The Mighty Hunter
Kill all of the following mobs using any kind of arrows: Chicken, Cow, Pig, Sheep, Rabbit, Squid, Mooshroom, Polar Bear, Horse, Donkey, Mule, Llama, Wolf, Ocelot, Parrot, Cat, Panda, Fox, Bee, Hoglin, Strider, Bat, Trader Llama, Turtle, Goat, Frog, Camel, Sniffer, Armadillo
Obtain firework rockets with the following: Small Ball, Large Ball, Star, Creeper, and Burst shapes, and Flicker and Trail effects These shapes and effects can be on separate rockets
Master Shieldsman
Block an attack from every mob listed next to "Monster Hunter" in the Monsters tab The following cannot be blocked and are hence not required: Elder Guardian, Guardian, Witch, and Evoker
Hit a mob using the following items: Sword, Axe, Pickaxe, Shovel, Hoe, Bow, Crossbow, Trident, TNT, Snowball, Egg, Splash Potion, Lingering Potion, Fishing Rod, Wind Charge, Mace
The Aquatic Hunter
Kill all of the following mobs using a thrown trident: Guardian, Squid, Turtle, Dolphin, Cod, Salmon, Puffer Fish, Tropical Fish, Drowned, Axolotl, Glow Squid, Frog, Tadpole An Elder Guardian is not required to be killed
Poseidon vs Hades
Kill all of the following mobs using a thrown trident: Zombie Pigman, Ghast, Magma Cube, Blaze, Wither Skeleton, Skeleton (nether), Piglin, Hoglin, Zoglin, Piglin Brute, Strider An Enderman is not required to be killed
Demolitions Expert
Kill all of the mobs listed next to "Monster Hunter" in the Monsters tab using the explosion from TNT lit by either Flint and Steel, a Fire Charge or a Flaming Arrow An Elder Guardian, Wither and an Ender Dragon are not required to be killed
Rock, Paper, Shears!
Kill a zombie that is one of the following: - Holding cobblestone while you are holding paper - Holding shears while you are holding cobblestone - Holding paper while you are holding shears
All around the world!
Either kill or get killed by a mob
For you, my sweet
Pick a flower for someone special
Obtain any flower
There's a zombie on the lawn!
Find a sunflower plains
For you, my sweet
Enter a sunflower plains biome
Enchanted Forest
Find a flower forest
There's a zombie on the lawn!
Enter a flower forest biome
Pretty in Pink
Find a Cherry Grove
Enchanted Forest
Enter a Cherry Grove biome
Flower Power
Collect all types of flowers
Pretty in Pink
See requirement notes below
The Mighty Jungle
Go for a safari in the jungle
For you, my sweet
Enter any jungle biome (including bamboo jungle biomes)
Swing (or climb) on some vines
The Mighty Jungle
Enter a vine block
Lion Hunter
Feed an Ocelot fish to try and gain its trust
Breed a baby ocelot
Lion Hunter
Break down some bamboo
Obtain bamboo
Construction Worker
Craft and use some scaffolding
Place scaffolding
Top of the World
Place scaffolding to the world limit
Construction Worker
Place scaffolding at y=319 in the Overworld or y=255 in the Nether or End
Breed two pandas to get a baby panda
Construction Worker
Kung Fu Panda!
Get beaten up by an angry panda
Get killed by a panda
Edge of the Jungle
Enter a Modified Jungle Edge - the rarest biome in Minecraft
Kung Fu Panda!
Breed a rare brown panda
Breed two pandas and have the offspring be a brown panda
Feed cake to every type of panda
Have all seven panda personalities pick up cake that you dropped on the ground
Smooth Operator
Slip and slide on some ice
Step on ice
This Snow is Snowier
Fall into some Powder Snow
Smooth Operator
Enter a block of powder snow
Light as a Rabbit
Walk on Powder Snow… without sinking in it
This Snow is Snowier
Walk on powder snow while wearing Leather Boots
Captain America
Get completely frozen inside two blocks of Powder Snow for a loooong time. Big question is: Can you do this all day?
Light as a Rabbit
For 20 minutes in a row, stand inside two blocks of Powder Snow (one at your feet, one at your head) without wearing any leather armor (such that you're taking damage from freezing)
Pick up some Powder Snow in a Bucket
This Snow is Snowier
Thin Ice!
Mine some ice using a silk touch pickaxe
Obtain ice
Spike Ice!
Break down an ice spike using a silk touch pickaxe
Thin Ice!
Obtain packed ice
Thick Ice!
Craft or mine a blue ice block from an iceberg
Spike Ice!
Obtain blue ice
Everybody Loves Ice!
Obtain a stack of every type of ice in your inventory
Thick Ice!
Obtain 64 ice, 64 packed ice, and 64 blue ice
It may be illegal to hunt polar bears in real life, but not in Minecraft
Thin Ice!
Kill a polar bear
We're Going on a Bear Hunt
Get hunted by a Polar Bear
Get killed by a polar bear
Just Keep Swimming
Go for a swim
Enter water
The sea calls you...
Find an ocean
Just Keep Swimming
Enter any ocean biome (See note 8)
Boaty McBoatface
Craft and ride a boat to sail on the high seas
The sea calls you...
Enter a boat or chest boat
Dive Bomb
Dive into water from a cliff at least 50 blocks tall
Boaty McBoatface
Fall at least 50 blocks and land in water
Free Diver
Stay underwater for 2 minutes
Dive Bomb
See warning below
Sleep with the Fishes
Spend a day underwater
Free Diver
See warning below
Cargo Carrier
Ride a Boat with a Chest in it
Boaty McBoatface
Enter a chest boat
Give a Dolphin something to play with
Cargo Carrier
Have a Dolphin nudge an item that you threw
Dolphin Dasher
Get a speed boost from your friendly underwater companions
Get the Dolphin's Grace effect
So Long & Thanks For The Fish
Get murdered by dolphins
Dolphin Dasher
The Great Blocky Reef
Come across a coral reef in an ocean
Dolphin Dasher
Enter a Warm Ocean biome
In a Pickle
Collect some sea pickles from a coral reef
The Great Blocky Reef
Obtain sea pickles
Just a sample
Collect some coral from a coral reef
In a Pickle
Obtain dead or living coral, coral fan or coral block in any color
No Reefing!
Collect all colors of coral blocks, coral plants and coral fans (including dead ones)
Just a sample
See requirement notes below
Feed a dolphin fish to have it lead you to treasure
Dolphin Dasher
Pushed Around
Enter a bubble column
Explore some Underwater Ruins
Pushed Around
Enter an Ocean Ruin
Come across a sunken ship
Get in a boat within a shipwreck
Get Ship-rekt!
Start riding a boat that is inside a shipwreck
Find a shipwreck in an iceberg biome
Enter a Shipwreck in a Frozen Ocean or Deep Frozen Ocean biome
X Marks the Spot
Use a treasure map to find Buried Treasure
Get Ship-rekt!
Open a Buried Treasure chest for the first time
Construct a Conduit in the ocean
X Marks the Spot
Kilometre Walk
Travel at least 1000 blocks from the centre of the world in any direction. It's not that far in real life
Travel beyond 1000 or -1000 in the x or z direction
Ten Thousand Blocks
Travel at least 10,000 blocks from the centre of the world in any direction. A journey that long begins with a simple step
Kilometre Walk
Travel beyond 10000 or -10000 in the x or z direction
A hundred kilometres!
Ten Thousand Blocks
Travel beyond 100000 or -100000 in the x or z direction
One with the forest
Discover every forest biome
Kilometre Walk
See requirement notes below
Warm Feet
Discover every dry biome
One with the forest
See requirement notes below
Cold Feet
Discover every snow biome
Warm Feet
See requirement notes below
Discover every overgrown biome
Cold Feet
See requirement notes below
High Feet
Discover every mountain biome
See requirement notes below
Wet Feet
Discover every wet biome
High Feet
See requirement notes below
Adventuring Time
Discover each type of surface biome in the Overworld
Wet Feet
See requirement notes below
Flower Power
Obtain the following items: Dandelion, Poppy, Blue Orchid, Allium, Azure Bluet, Red Tulip, Orange Tulip, White Tulip, Pink Tulip, Oxeye Daisy, Sunflower, Lilac, Rose Bush, Peony, Cornflower, Lily of the Valley, Wither Rose, Torchflower, Pitcher Plant
No Reefing!
Obtain the following items: All five colors of both living and dead coral plants, coral fans and coral blocks
One with the forest
Enter the following biomes: Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Tall Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Plains, Sunflower Plains, Taiga, Giant Tree Taiga and Giant Spruce Taiga
Warm Feet
Enter the following biomes: Desert, Savanna, Savanna Plateau, Windswept Savanna, Badlands, Eroded Badlands and Wooded Badlands Plateau
Cold Feet
Enter the following biomes: Snowy Tundra, Ice Spikes, Snowy Taiga, Frozen River, and Snowy Beach
Enter the following biomes: Swamp, Mangrove Swamp, Jungle, Jungle Edge, Bamboo Jungle, Mushroom Fields and Cherry Grove
High Feet
Enter the following biomes: Stone Shore, Windswept Hills, Windswept Forest, Windswept Gravelly Hills, Meadow, Grove, Snowy Slopes, Frozen Peaks, Jagged Peaks and Stony Peaks
Wet Feet
Enter the following biomes: Enter a Ocean, Deep Ocean, River, Beach, Cold Ocean, Deep Cold Ocean, Frozen Ocean, Deep Frozen Ocean, Lukewarm Ocean, Deep Lukewarm Ocean and Warm Ocean
Adventuring Time!
Enter at least one biome of the following categories: Snowy Tundra, Snowy Taiga, Windswept Hills, Taiga, Giant Tree Taiga, Plains, Forest, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Swamp, Jungle, River, Beach, Mushroom Fields, Desert, Savanna, Badlands, Warm Ocean, Lukewarm Ocean, Ocean, Cold Ocean, Frozen Ocean, Meadow, Snowy Slopes/Grove, Peaks, Cherry Grove
Free Diver & Sleep with the Fishes
Warning: The counter may reset if you pass through or close to certain waterlogged blocks that can be placed out of water such as coral, coral fans, sea pickles, or other manufactured blocks like slab, ladders or trapdoors placed underwater Waterloggable blocks that cannot be placed out of water (kelp and seagrass) will not cause the counter to reset
Village, pillage and exploration
Either kill or get killed by a mob
I hereby dub thee...
Obtain a name tag
I just want to make toast!
Name a bunny 'Toast'
I hereby dub thee...
What's Up, Doc?
Turn a mob upside-down
I just want to make toast!
Name any mob 'Dinnerbone' or 'Grumm' with a nametag
Nyan Sheep
Nyan Nyan Nyan Nyan...
What's Up, Doc?
Name a sheep 'jeb_' with a nametag
Defeat this terrifying monster
Nyan Sheep
Defeat an Enderman named 'Slenderman'
The one and true Johnny
Defeat Johnny
Defeat a Vindicator named 'Johnny'
Nerds Never Die
Name a Piglin Brute 'Technoblade'
The one and true Johnny
Craft a jukebox with planks and a diamond
I hereby dub thee...
Obtain a jukebox
Music To My Ears
Play a music disc in a jukebox
The Sound of Music
Make the Meadows come alive with the sound of music from a jukebox
Music To My Ears
Play any music disc in a jukebox while you are in a Meadows biome
Disc Jockey
Listen to all the music discs
The Sound of Music
See requirement notes below
Obtain a Notch Apple
Disc Jockey
Now You're Thinking With Portals
Find a broken Nether Portal in the Overworld
Stand in a Ruined Portal in the Overworld
Grave Robber
Enter a pyramid in a desert
Now You're Thinking With Portals
Tomb Raider
Enter a jungle temple
Grave Robber
Find a witch hut in a swamp
Tomb Raider
Secret of the Igloo
Find an igloo in a snowy tundra
Raidin' Master
Discover every structure type
Secret of the Igloo
See requirement notes below
Brushed Away
Craft a Brush using a feather, copper and a stick
Grave Robber
Obtain a Brush
Respecting the Remnants
Using a Brush, carefully excavate a Pottery Sherd from a suspicious block
Brushed Away
Careful Restoration
Put together a Decorated Pot using four Pottery Sherds
Respecting the Remnants
Craft a Decorated Pot using four Pottery Sherds
Pottery Exhibition
Find one of each type of Pottery Shard throughout your archeology expeditions
Careful Restoration
See requirement notes below
A Suspicious Advancement
Obtain a block of Suspicious Sand or Gravel
Careful Restoration
This can be done by having a sus block fall into a line of cobwebs. After a minute the falling block entity will despawn and drop the sus block as an item
Obtain a stack of Suspicious Sand and Gravel
A Suspicious Advancement
Life… uhh… finds a way
Find a strange egg among the sand of an Ocean Ruin using a Brush. Smells interesting
Brushed Away
Obtain a Sniffer Egg
Truffle Worm
Have a Sniffer dig up seeds
Life... uhh... finds a way
Obtain Torchflower Seeds or Pitcher Pod
Jurassic Sniff
Breed two Sniffers together using Torchflower Seeds
Truffle Worm
Little Sniffs
Feed a Snifflet
Jurassic Sniff
Feed a baby Sniffer with Torchflower Seeds
Planting the Past
Plant any Sniffer Seed
Little Sniffs
Plant a Torchflower Seed or Pitcher Pod
Happy Trails!
Discover the Trail Ruins
Brushed Away
Enter a Trail Ruins structure
Raiders of the Lost Trim
Carefully excavate a Smithing Template from the Trail Ruins
Happy Trails!
Obtain one of: Wayfinder, Raiser, Shaper or Host Armor Trim Smithing Templates
A Chiptune Relic
Excavate an ancient record from within the Trail Ruins
Raiders of the Lost Trim
Obtain the Relic Music Disc
Good-Lookin' Treasure
Find a Smithing Template
Tomb Raider
Obtain any Smithing Template
Crafting a New Look
Use a Smithing Template to apply a trim to a piece of armor
Good-Lookin' Treasure
Take a trimmed piece of armor from the output of a Smithing Table
Mold Maker
Use seven diamonds to duplicate a Smithing Template
Crafting a New Look
Take a Smithing Template from the output of the crafting table.
Coordinated Flair
Wear a suit of armor with all four pieces trimmed with the same material
Mold Maker
Chromatic Armory
Trim pieces of armor with all types of materials
Coordinated Flair
See requirement notes below
Genesis of the End
Find the Eye Smithing Template in a Stronghold
Good-Lookin' Treasure
Obtain an Eye Armor Trim Smithing Template
Vexingly Hard to Find
Find the Vex Smithing Template in a Woodland Mansion
Genesis of the End
Obtain a Vex Armor Trim Smithing Template
The Sound of Silence
Find the Silence Smithing Template in an Ancient City
Vexingly Hard to Find
Obtain a Silence Armor Trim Smithing Template
Smithing With Style
Find one of every Smithing Template
The Sound of Silence
See requirement notes below
Stacked Smither
Obtain a stack of every Smithing Template
Smithing With Style
Obtain a stack of the same items as in Smithing With Style (see below)
Out of Posts
Enter a Pillager Outpost
Riot Shield
Deflect a Pillager's crossbow bolt
Out of Posts
Redemption Arc
Befriend a Pillager that doesn’t have a crossbow
Riot Shield
Be within 5 blocks of a Pillager that is not holding a crossbow
I've got a bad feeling about this
Kill a raid captain. Maybe consider staying away from villages for the time being...
Riot Shield
Kill a raid captain
We're being attacked!
Trigger a Pillager Raid
I've got a bad feeling about this
Trigger a raid
Sound the Alarm!
Ring the bell with a hostile enemy in the village
We're being attacked!
Ring a bell while at least one illager that is part of a raid is within 32 blocks of you
It's so beast-like!
Slay a Ravager in a raid
Sound the Alarm!
Kill a Ravager
I am Ravager, hear me ROAR!
Have a Ravager slam into your shield
It's so beast-like!
Block a Ravager's attack
Hit a Ravager with a thrown trident
I am Ravager, hear me ROAR!
Feeling Ill
Defeat every type of Illager as part of a raid
It's so beast-like!
Kill a Pillager, Vinidicator, Witch, Evoker and Ravager as part of a raid
Hero of the Village
Triumph over a full raid for the first time
Feeling Ill
Get the Hero of the Village Effect
Superhero of the Village
Defeat enough raid captains to obtain a stack of Ominous Banners
Hero of the Village
Obtain 16 Ominous Banners
Kill each type of Illager with a single crossbow arrow
Superhero of the Village
Kill a Pillager, Vindicator, Witch, Evoker and Ravager with a single crossbow arrow
Buy Low, Sell High
Trade with a villager while under the Hero of the Village effect
Hero of the Village
Undying Fandom
Receive every type of gift from Villagers as a Hero of the Village
Buy Low, Sell High
See requirement notes below
War Is Coming
Start a Raid with the highest level of Bad Omen
Buy Low, Sell High
Get Rain Omen V
Veteran of the Village
Attain the highest level of Hero of the Village
War Is Coming
Get Hero of the Village V
Rescue an Allay from a Pillager Outpost or Woodland Mansion and give it something to play with
Out of Posts
Right-click an Allay with an item
You've Got a Friend in Me
Have an Allay deliver items to you
Pick up an item dropped by an Allay
Evelyn Evergreen
Have an Allay deliver Spruce Saplings to you while chopping down trees
You've Got a Friend in Me
Pick up Spruce Saplings that were dropped by an Allay
Budget Vex
Give an Allay an Iron Sword
Evelyn Evergreen
Right-click an Allay with an Iron Sword
Diagon Allay
Have an Allay deliver a potion to you in the Deep Dark
Budget Vex
Pick up a potion that was dropped by an Allay in the Deep Dark biome or an Ancient City
And make it double!
Play a jukebox near some Allays, then give one an Amethyst Shard and see what happens!
Evelyn Evergreen
Duplicate an Allay by giving one an Amethyst Shard while a jukebox is playing nearby
Birthday Song
Have an Allay drop a cake at a note block
And make it double!
Awards Ceremony
Have an Allay present to you a trophy awarded from completing one of the advancements
Birthday Song
Pick up a BACAP Trophy that was dropped by an Allay
Travelling Merchant
Trade with a Wandering Trader
Shady Deals
Trade with the Wandering Trader while he is invisible
Travelling Merchant
Trade for a flower from the Wandering Trader
Travelling Merchant
Rebuilding the Oceans
Trade for a coral block from the Wandering Trader
Deal's off!
Get spat at by one of the Trader Llamas
Deal's off!
Get damaged by a Trader Llama
Do You Want to Trade?
Find an NPC village
Enter a village
Oh look, it dings!
Ring a bell in a village
Do You Want to Trade?
Ring a bell that is within the bounding box of a village structure. Also works with Fortified Villages in Terralith
Prime Specimen
Find Tall Grass or a Large Fern inside a village chest
Do You Want to Trade?
Obtain Tall Grass or a Large Fern (double-tall grass or ferns)
What a Deal!
Succesfully trade with a villager
Do You Want to Trade?
Crazy Cat Lady
Tame a stray cat in a village
What a Deal!
If only cats grew into kittens
Breed two cats together to get a kitty!
Crazy Cat Lady
A Complete Catalogue
Tame all cat variants!
If only cats grew into kittens
See requirement notes below
Hired Help
Summon an Iron Golem to help defend a village
What a Deal!
Your Daily Fix
Use an Iron Ingot to repair a damaged Iron Golem
Hired Help
Kill a villager
Your Daily Fix
Get killed by a natural iron golem defending its village
You are the Pillager
Murder one of every villager profession using a crossbow
See requirement notes below
Filthy Rich
Make 64 emeralds
What a Deal!
Obtain 64 Emeralds
Filthy Stinkin' Rich
Make 64 emerald blocks
Filthy Rich
Obtain 64 Emerald Blocks
Hey! You two should kiss!
Use a Spyglass to look at two Villagers sitting in a Boat from at least 50 blocks away
What a Deal!
Use a spyglass to look at a boat with two villager passengers in it
Travel to every type of village and trade with a villager in each
What a Deal!
Trade with a villager from: Plains, Desert, Savanna, Taiga and Snow
Village Settler
Trade for a new bell to establish a new village
Town Planner
Craft and place every type of villager workstation
Village Settler
See requirement notes below
Craft a stack of all the villager job site blocks
Town Planner
See requirement notes below
Trade with a villager at master level
Trade with every type of villager career
The Haggler
See requirement notes below
The Tribal Villagers
Breed and trade with a jungle villager
Lilypad Hatter
Breed and trade with a swamp villager
The Tribal Villagers
Star Trader
Trade with a villager at the build height limit
Lilypad Hatter
Trade with a villager who is standing at y-level 319 or higher in the Overworld, or y-level 255 or higher in the Nether or End
Master Trader
Trade with every type of villager career at master level
Lilypad Hatter
See requirement notes below
Knowledge is Power
Trade for an enchanted book
What a Deal!
Rare Candy Shop
Trade for a Bottle o’ Enchanting from a Cleric
Knowledge is Power
All chained up
Trade for a piece of chain armor from an armorer villager
Knowledge is Power
Retro Future Knight
Trade for a full suit of chain armor from an armorer villager
All chained up
Craft or trade an empty map
Knowledge is Power
Obtain an empty map
Mapmaker's Table
Craft a cartography table with paper and planks
Obtain a cartography table
I'm not lost anymore!
Right-click a banner with a map
Mapmaker's Table
Map Room
Place a map in an item frame
I'm not lost anymore!
Treasure Map
Trade for an explorer map
Find an Ocean Monument
Treasure Map
Laser Sharks
Defeat a Guardian
Spear Fishing
Kill a Guardian with arrows
Laser Sharks
Guardian Destroyer
Collect a stack of prismarine shards and crystals
Spear Fishing
The Deep End
Defeat an Elder Guardian
Laser Sharks
Dry Spell
Dry a sponge in a furnace
The Deep End
Obtain a (Dry) Sponge
Sponge Miner
Collect a stack of sponges from ocean monuments
Dry Spell
Obtain 64 (Dry) Sponges
House of Psychos
Find a Woodland Mansion
Treasure Map
Heeere's Johnny
Kill a Vindicator in a Woodland Mansion
House of Psychos
Kill a Vindicator that is within the bounding-box of a Woodland Mansion
The Shielding
A shield does no better than a locked door
Heeere's Johnny
Block a Vindicator's attack with a shield
Bust a Vex summoned by an Evoker
The Shielding
Defeat an Evoker in a Woodland Mansion
Kill an Evoker that is within the bounding-box of a Woodland Mansion
Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death
Minecraft: Trial(s) Edition
Step foot in a Trial Chamber
Treasure Map
This will be a breeze!
Famous last words. Get killed by a Breeze
Minecraft: Trial(s) Edition
Break Wind
Defeat a Breeze in the Trial Chambers
This will be a breeze!
Defeat a Breeze
Who Needs Rockets?
Use a Wind Charge to launch yourself upward at least 8 blocks
Break Wind
Be launched upward at least 8 blocks from a player-thrown Wind Charge
Breeze Suppressor
Defeat enough Breezes to collect a stack of Breeze Rods
Who Needs Rockets?
Obtain 64 Breeze Rods
From Under Your Feet
Throw a Wind Charge at a mob that is standing on top of a trapdoor
Who Needs Rockets?
The Wind Charge must hit the mob and damage it
Kill a Breeze with a deflected Wind Charge
From Under Your Feet
Hit a breeze-fired Wind Charge back at a Breeze such that it kills it. Note: They only do half a heart of damage
Under Lock and Key
Unlock a Vault using a Trial Key
Minecraft: Trial(s) Edition
Hard Mode Activated
Drink an Ominous Bottle in a Trial Chamber to cast a greater challenge
Under Lock and Key
Get the Trial Omen effect
Unlock an Ominous Vault with an Ominous Trial Key
Hard Mode Activated
Vault Hunter
Unlock 25 Vaults across Trial Chambers
This counts both Vaults and Ominous Vaults
Keys to Success
Collect a stack of all kinds of keys
Vault Hunter
Obtain 64 Trial Keys and 64 Ominous Trial Keys
Tricky Treasures
Collect every kind of treasure item that can only be found in Trial Chambers
See requirement notes below
Collect a stack of one tier of Ominous Bottles
Tricky Treasures
Obtain 64 Ominous Bottles of a single kind, so that they stack into a single slot
Core Keeper
Obtain a stack of Heavy Cores
Obtain 64 Heavy Cores
Disc Jockey
Play the following music discs in a jukebox: Cat, 13, Blocks, Chirp, Far, Mall, Mellohi, Stal, Strad, Ward, 11, Wait, Pigstep, Otherside, 5, Relic, Creator, Creator (Music Box), Precipice
Raidin' Master
Enter the following structures: Dungeon (internally, open one of its chests), Igloo, Desert Pyramid, Jungle Temple, Witch Hut, Plains Village, Taiga Village, Snow Village, Desert Village, Savanna Village, Mineshaft (Underground), Mesa Mineshaft, Stronghold, Nether Fortress, End City, Ocean Monument, Woodland Mansion, Pillager Outpost, Sandstone Ocean Ruin, Stone Brick Ocean Ruin, Shipwreck, Buried Treasure (internally, open its chest), Ruined Portal, Bastion Remnant, Ancient City, Trail Ruins, Trial Chambers
Pottery Exhibition
Obtain the following Pottery Shards: Archer, Prize, Arms Up, Skull, Angler, Blade, Brewer, Burn, Danger, Explorer, Friend, Heart, Heartbreak, Howl, Miner, Mourner, Plenty, Sheaf, Shelter, Snort, Flow, Guster, Scrape
Chromatic Armory
Use the following materials in trimming armor: Amethyst Shard, Copper Ingot, Diamond, Emerald, Gold Ingot, Iron Ingot, Lapis Lazuli, Nether Quartz, Netherite Ingot, Redstone Dust
Smithing With Style
Obtain the following Smithing Templates: Coast Armor Trim, Dune Armor Trim, Eye Armor Trim, Rib Armor Trim, Sentry Armor Trim, Snout Armor Trim, Spire Armor Trim, Tide Armor Trim, Vex Armor Trim, Wayfinder Armor Trim, Raiser Armor Trim, Shaper Armor Trim, Host Armor Trim, Ward Armor Trim, Silence Armor Trim, Wild Armor Trim, Bolt Armor Trim, Flow Armor Trim
Undying Fandom
Pick up the following items that were thrown by villagers: Poppy, Chainmail Helmet, Chainmail Chestplate, Chainmail Leggings, Chainmail Boots, Cooked Chicken, Cooked Mutton, Cooked Porkchop, Cooked Rabbit, Steak, Map, Paper, Lapis Lazuli, Redstone, Bread, Cookie, Pumpkin Pie, Cod, Salmon, Arrow, Tipped Arrows of: [Fire Resistance, Harming, Healing, Invsibility, Leaping, Night Vision, Poison, Regeneration, Slowness, Strength, Swiftness, Water Breathing, Weakness], Leather, Book, Clay, all 16 colors of Wool, Stone Axe, Stone Hoe, Stone Pickaxe, Stone Shovel, Golden Axe, Iron Axe, Wheat Seeds
A Complete Catalogue
Tame the following Cat variants: Tabby, Black, Red, Siamese, British Shorthair, Calico, Persian, Ragdoll, White, Jellie and All Black.
You are the Pillager
Murder the following Villager professions using a Crossbow: Farmer, Fisherman, Shepherd, Fletcher, Librarian, Cartographer, Cleric, Armorer, Weapon Smith, Tool Smith, Butcher, Leatherworker, Mason, Nitwit and Unemployed
Town Planner
Place the following blocks: Composter, Barrel, Loom, Fletching Table, Brewing Stand, Smoker, Cauldron, Grindstone, Blast Furnace, Smithing Table, Lectern, Cartography Table, Stonecutter
Obtain a stack of every block listed next to "Town Planner" above
Businessman Master Trader
Trade with the following Villager professions: Farmer, Fisherman, Shepherd, Fletcher, Librarian, Cartographer, Cleric, Armorer, Weapon Smith, Tool Smith, Butcher, Leatherworker, Mason For "Master Trader", they must be at Master level
Tricky Treasures
Obtain the following items: Music Disc Creator, Music Disc Creator (Music Box), Music Disc Precipice, Flow Banner Pattern, Guster Banner Pattern, Flow Pottery Sherd, Guster Pottery Sherd, Scrape Pottery Sherd, Bolt Smithing Template, Flow Smithing Template, Heavy Core
Cracking contraptions
Obtain redstone dust
Place and push a button
Press any button
Leveraging Synergy
Flick a lever
Under Pressure
Step on a pressure plate
Leveraging Synergy
Step on any pressure plate
Pressure Detector
Use a pressure plate to craft a detector rail
Under Pressure
Obtain a Detector Rail
Metal Plate
Craft an iron weighted pressure plate
Pressure Detector
Obtain a Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate
Bling Plate
Craft a golden weighted pressure plate
Metal Plate
Obtain a Light Weighted Pressure Plate
Tripping Over
Place a line of string between two tripwire hooks, and trigger it
Under Pressure
Stand on an attached line of tripwire that has not been defused
Troll Chest
Trigger a trapped chest. Good for trolling your friends!
Tripping Over
Open a Trapped Chest
Powerful Light
Craft and place a redstone torch
Place a Redstone Torch
Repeating Repeater
Craft a redstone repeater for delaying signals
Powerful Light
Obtain a Redstone Repeater
Quirky Quartz
Mine Nether Quartz
Repeating Repeater
Obtain Nether Quartz
Comparing Comparator
Craft a redstone comparator
Quirky Quartz
Obtain a Redstone Comparator
The Power of Books
Read the power signal of a Chiseled Bookshelf using a comparator
Comparing Comparator
Place a comparator facing outwards from a Chiseled Bookshelf OR place a Chiseled Bookshelf behind a comparator
Solar Power
Craft a daylight sensor
Quirky Quartz
Obtain a Daylight Detector
Observer Buddy
Craft an observer
Solar Power
Obtain an Observer
Quartz Miner
Mine enough nether quartz to craft a stack of nether quartz blocks
Observer Buddy
Obtain 64 Quartz Blocks
Space Hopper
Craft a hopper for item transportation
Repeating Repeater
Obtain a Hopper
Space Dropper
Craft a dropper for item transportation
Space Hopper
Obtain a Dropper
Dispense With This
Construct a dispenser
Space Dropper
Obtain a Dispenser
We Have Liftoff!
Build a redstone machine that uses TNT to launch you at least 100 blocks into the stratosphere
Dispense With This
An explosion from TNT must launch you at least 100 blocks upward
Target Acquired
Put up a Target for archery practise
Dispense With This
Place a Target
Target Practise
Hit a Target with all types of projectiles
Target Acquired
See requirement notes below
Hit the bullseye of a Target Block with an arrow
Target Acquired
Output a signal strength of 15 on a Target using an arrow from 30 blocks away
Craft a Crafter
Space Dropper
Obtain a Crafter
Crafters Crafting Crafters
Be near a Crafter when it crafts a Crafter
Be near a Crafter when it crafts a Dispenser 64 times
Crafters Crafting Crafters
Moving Parts
Craft a piston so you can push things
Repeating Repeater
Obtain a piston
Sticky Parts
Craft a sticky piston so you can pull things
Moving Parts
Obtain a sticky piston
Craft all types of redstone components
Sticky Parts
See requirement notes below
Master Engineer
Craft a stack of all types of redstone components
See requirement notes below
Craft a note block
Obtain a note block
Take Notes
Tune a Note Block through every possible note
Play every possible instrument on a Note Block
Take Notes
See requirement notes below
Travelling Bard
Play a Note Block in every type of biome
See requirement notes below
Monstrous Music
Play Note Blocks with each type of mob head above it
Travelling Bard
Play a note block with a Zombie, Skeleton, Wither Skeleton, Creeper, Piglin and Dragon Head on top
All Aboard!
Craft and board a Minecart for railway journeys
Ride a Minecart
Fuel Engine
Craft a Minecart with Furnace and use coal or charcoal to send it chugging
On a Rail
Use coal or charcoal on a Minecart with Furnace
Moving Storage
Put a chest in a minecart
Fuel Engine
Obtain a Minecart with Chest
Moving Moving Storage
Put a hopper in a minecart
Moving Storage
Obtain a Minecart with Hopper
Mobile Explosion
Put TNT in a minecart
Moving Moving Storage
Obtain a Minecart with TNT
Electric Rails
Making furnace minecarts completely useless
Fuel Engine
Obtain a Powered Rail
Craft a stack of all the different types of rails
Electric Rails
Obtain 64 of each of Rails, Powered Rails, Detector Rails and Activator Rails
On A Rail
Travel by Minecart in a straight line to at least 1 km from where you started
Vibe Check
Use Silk Touch to pick up a Sculk Sensor or find one among Ancient City treasure
Obtain a Sculk Sensor
Calibration Sensation
Craft a Calibrated Sculk Sensor using Amethyst Shards
Vibe Check
Obtain a Calibrated Sculk Sensor
The Block of Eternal Screaming
Use Silk Touch to pick up a Sculk Shrieker
Vibe Check
Obtain a Sculk Shrieker
The Incredible Sculk
Collect a stack of all sculk-related blocks
The Block of Eternal Screaming
Collect a stack of: Sculk, Sculk Veins, Sculk Sensors, Sculk Catalysts, Sculk Shriekers and Calibrated Sculk Sensors
Sculker Box
Hold a Shulker Box that is completely filled with Sculk
The Incredible Sculk
Kill a Wither near a Sculk Catalyst to unleash a large explosion of sculk
The Block of Eternal Screaming
Monstrous Sacrifices
Kill every hostile monster near a Sculk Catalyst
See the requirement notes for "Monsters Hunted" in the Adventure tab. Ender Dragon is not required
Target Practise
Hit a Target with the following projectiles: Arrow, Trident, Fishing Rod, Egg, Snowball, Potion (either splash or lingering), Firework Rocket, Experience Bottle, Ender Pearl, Wind Charge
Play a Note Block that is on top of the following blocks: Wood, Sand/Gravel/Concrete Powder, Glass/Sea Lantern, Stone, Gold Block, Clay, Packed Ice, Wool, Bone Block, Iron Block, Soul Sand, Pumpkin, Emerald Block, Hay Bale, Glowstone, Any Other Block (e.g. Dirt)
Travelling Bard
Play a Note Block in one biome from the following categories: Snowy Tundra, Snowy Taiga, Windswept Hills, Taiga, Giant Tree Taiga, Plains, Forest, Birch Forest, Dark Forest, Swamp, Jungle, River, Beach, Mushroom Fields, Desert, Savanna, Badlands, Warm Ocean, Lukewarm Ocean, Ocean, Cold Ocean, Frozen Ocean, Meadow, Snowy Slopes/Grove, Peaks, Nether Wastes, Soul Sand Valley, Crimson Forest, Warped Forest, Basalt Deltas, The End, Lush Caves, Dripstone Caves, Deep Dark, Cherry Grove
Engineer Master Engineer
Obtain the following items: Redstone, Redstone Torch, Redstone Block, Repeater, Comparator, Target, Lever, Oak Button, Stone Button, Oak Pressure Plate, Stone Pressure Plate, Light-Weighted Pressure Plate, Heavy-Weighted Pressure Plate, Sculk Sensor, Calibrated Sculk Sensor, Sculk Shrieker, Amethyst Block, White Wool, Tripwire Hook, String, Lectern, Daylight Detector, Lightning Rod, Piston, Sticky Piston, Slime Block, Honey Block, Dispenser, Dropper, Hopper, Chest, Barrel, Chiseled Bookshelf, Furnace, Trapped Chest, Jukebox, Observer, Note Block, Composter, Cauldron, Rail, Powered Rail, Detector Rail, Activator Rail, Minecart, Hopper Minecart, Chest Minecart, Furnace Minecart, TNT Minecart, Oak Boat with Chest, Bamboo Raft with Chest, Oak Door, Iron Door, Oak Fence Gate, Oak Trapdoor, Iron Trapdoor, TNT, Redstone Lamp, Bell, Big Dripleaf, Armor Stand, Redstone Ore, Decorated Pot, Crafter, Copper Bulb (of all four oxidation variants) For "Master Engineer" a stack of each of these items is required. Basically, any item in the "Redstone" tab in the Creative inventory is required
Enchant items to give them magical abilities
Enchant an item at an enchanting table
Build some bookshelves for your enchanting table
Obtain a bookshelf
Magical Stockpile
Obtain a full stack of bottles of enchanting
Bow down to me!
Obtain Power V
Obtain Power V on any item (Bow or Enchanted Book)
To Infinity And Beyond!
Obtain Infinity on a bow
Bow down to me!
Super Efficient
Obtain Efficiency V
Obtain Efficiency V on any item
Fortunate Son
Obtain Fortune III
Super Efficient
Obtain Fortune III on any item
Pick Like Silk
Use a Silk Touch enchanted pickaxe to obtain diamond ore as a block
Fortunate Son
Obtain Diamond Ore or Deepslate Diamond Ore
Needle Sharp
Obtain Sharpness V
Undead Slayer
Obtain Smite V
Needle Sharp
Bane of one-shotting spiders
Obtain Bane of Arthropods V
Undead Slayer
Newton's Flaming Laser Sword
Have a diamond sword with Fire Aspect II
Bane of one-shotting spiders
A rather pointy fence post
Enchant a wooden sword with Sharpness V. Not really the best weapon, but it could be a minor annoyance to someone
Newton's Flaming Laser Sword
Deal eight hearts of damage in a single melee blow without using a Mace
Needle Sharp
Deal at least eight hearts of damage with any melee attack
Deal 16 hearts of damage in a single melee blow without using a Mace
Deal at least sixteen hearts of damage with any melee attack
Shoot three arrows at once with a crossbow
Shoot a crossbow with Multishot
Machine Bow
Fire a crossbow as rapidly as possible
Shoot a crossbow with Quick Charge III
Kill five unique mobs with one crossbow shot
Machine Bow
Turn your trident into a boomerang by getting Loyalty on it
Do A Barrel Roll
Use Riptide to give yourself a boost
Use a Riptide-enchanted trident while in water or rain
Obtain Channeling on a trident
Do A Barrel Roll
Very Very Frightening
Strike a Villager with lightning
Mace Windu
Obtain the Wind Burst enchantment on a Mace
Using a Mace enchanted with Wind Burst, hit eight Armadillos consecutively without touching the ground
Mace Windu
Like a Cat
Obtain boots enchanted with Feather Falling
Armor for the massess
Obtain all protection related enchantments
Like a Cat
See requirement notes below
Knocking your socks off
Obtain Knockback and Punch enchantments
Armor for the massess
Obtain Knockback and Punch on any non-book item(s)
Scuba Gear
Obtain every water related enchantment
Knocking your socks off
Obtain Respiration, Aqua Affinity and Depth Strider on any non-book item(s)
Obtain every fire related enchantment
Scuba Gear
Obtain Fire Protection, Fire Aspect and Flame on any non-book item(s)
Like a Ninja
Find the Swift Sneak enchantment on an Enchanted Book in an Ancient City
Obtain an Enchanted Book with Swift Sneak on it
Silent But Deadly
Sneak and sprint on sculk with Speed II while wearing Swift Sneak III leggings. Try saying that six times swiftly
Like a Ninja
Gotta Go Fast!
Obtain the Soul Speed enchantment from a Bastion or bartering with Piglins
Obtain Soul Speed on either boots or an Enchanted Book
Let It Go!
Using Frost Walker boots, walk on frozen water over a deep ocean
Gotta Go Fast!
Step on Frosted Ice while wearing Frost Walker boots and in any Deep Ocean biome
Complete Enchanter
Get every enchantment throughout your enchanting career
Let It Go!
See requirement notes below
Master Enchanter
Get every enchantment at its max level throughout your enchanting career
Complete Enchanter
See requirement notes below
Heavy Metal
Craft an anvil
Obtain an anvil
Baron of Blacksmiths
Get a stack of regular, chipped and damaged Anvils
Heavy Metal
Obtain both types of curses
Heavy Metal
Obtain Curses of Binding and Vanishing on any item(s)
Handmade Blinding
Wear a carved pumpkin enchanted with Curse of Binding
This name sounds cooler
Name your Diamond Sword 'Diamond Edge'
Heavy Metal
Hold the named item in your mainhand
I'll be back
Name your Bow 'Terminator'
This name sounds cooler
Hold the named item in your mainhand
God of Thunder
Name your Trident with Loyalty III and Channeling 'Mjolnir'
I'll be back
Hold the named item in your mainhand
Obtain Mending on an item
Heavy Metal
Master Miner
Create a pickaxe with all possible enchantments at max level
See requirement notes below
Master Digger
Create a shovel with all possible enchantments at max level
Master Miner
See requirement notes below
Master Axeman
Create a axe with all possible enchantments at max level
Master Digger
See requirement notes below
Master Farmer
Create a hoe with all possible enchantments at max level
Master Axeman
See requirement notes below
Master Knight
Create a sword with all possible enchantments at max level
See requirement notes below
Master Sniper
Create a bow with all possible enchantments at max level
Master Knight
See requirement notes below
Master Arbalist
Create a crossbow with all possible enchantments at max level
Master Sniper
See requirement notes below
Master Armorer
Create a full suit of armor with all possible enchantments at max level
Master Arbalist
See requirement notes below
Master Fisher
Create a fishing rod with all possible enchantments at max level
See requirement notes below
Master Tridenteer
Create a trident with all possible enchantments at max level
Master Fisher
See requirement notes below
Master Macerator
Create a mace with all possible enchantments at max level
Master Tridenteer
See requirement notes below
Armor for the masses
Obtain the following enchantments on any items: Protection, Fire Protection, Blast Protection and Projectile Protection
Complete Enchanter
Obtain the following enchantments on any items: Protection, Fire Protection, Feather Falling, Blast Protection, Projectile Protection, Respiration, Aqua Affinity, Thorns, Swift Sneak, Depth Strider, Frost Walker, Soul Speed, Curse of Binding, Sharpness, Smite, Bane of Arthropods, Knockback, Fire Aspect, Looting, Sweeping Edge, Efficiency, Silk Touch, Unbreaking, Fortune, Power, Punch, Flame, Infinity, Lure, Luck of the Sea, Loyalty, Riptide, Impaling, Channeling, Quick Charge, Piercing, Multishot, Mending, Curse of Vanishing, Density, Breach, Wind Burst
Master Enchanter
Obtain the following enchantments on any items: Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Feather Falling IV, Blast Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV, Respiration III, Aqua Affinity, Thorns III, Swift Sneak III, Depth Strider III, Frost Walker II, Soul Speed III, Curse of Binding, Sharpness V, Smite V, Bane of Arthropods V, Knockback II, Fire Aspect II, Looting III, Sweeping Edge III, Efficiency V, Silk Touch, Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Power V, Punch II, Flame, Infinity, Lure III, Luck of the Sea III, Loyalty III, Riptide III, Impaling V, Channeling, Quick Charge III, Piercing IV, Multishot, Mending, Curse of Vanishing, Density V, Breach IV, Wind Burst III
Master Miner
Obtain a Diamond or Netherite Pickaxe enchanted with: Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Mending, and either Fortune III or Silk Touch
Master Digger
Obtain a Diamond or Netherite Shovel enchanted with: Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Mending, and either Fortune III or Silk Touch
Master Axeman
Obtain a Diamond or Netherite Axe enchanted with: Sharpness V OR Smite V OR Bane of Arthropods V, Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Mending, and either Fortune III or Silk Touch
Master Farmer
Obtain a Diamond or Netherite Hoe enchanted with: Efficiency V, Unbreaking III, Mending, and either Fortune III or Silk Touch
Master Knight
Obtain a Diamond or Netherite Sword enchanted with: Sharpness V OR Smite V OR Bane of Arthropods V, Knockback II, Fire Aspect II, Looting III, Unbreaking III, Sweeping Edge III and Mending
Master Sniper
Obtain a Bow enchanted with: Power V, Punch II, Flame, Unbreaking III, and either Infinity or Mending
Master Arbalist
Obtain a Crossbow enchanted with: Quick Charge III, Unbreaking III and Mending, and then either Piercing IV or Multishot
Master Armorer
Obtain the following items with the following enchantments: Diamond or Netherite Helmet: Any Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending, Aqua Affinity, and Respiration III. Diamond or Netherite Chestplate: Any Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending, and Thorns III. Diamond or Netherite Leggings: Any Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending and Swift Sneak III. Diamond or Netherite Boots: Any Protection IV, Unbreaking III, Mending, Feather Falling IV, Soul Speed III and either Depth Strider III or Frost Walker II.
Master Fisher
Obtain a Fishing Rod enchanted with: Lure III, Luck of the Sea III, Unbreaking III and Mending
Master Tridenteer
Obtain a Trident enchanted with: Impaling V, Unbreaking III, Mending, and then either Riptide III, or Loyalty III and Channeling
Master Macerator
Obtain a Mace enchanted with: Wind Burst III, Fire Aspect II, Mending, Unbreaking III, and then one of: Density V, Breach IV, Smite V or Bane of Arthropods V
If your numbers go up, you're having more fun
Once you obtain diamonds OR enter the Nether OR enter the End
Out for a stroll
Walk 10km
Who needs cars?
Walk 50km
Out for a stroll
I enjoy long walks and playing Minecraft
Walk 250km
Who needs cars?
65 hours of walking
Walk 1000km. The statistics tab shall no longer be the grindy super challenges tab
I enjoy long walks and playing Minecraft
Natural Sprinter
Sprint 10km
Sprint 42.195km
Natural Sprinter
Your legs must be tired
Sprint 250km
Spring in your step
Jump 1000 times
Boing, Boing
Jump 10,000 times
Jumping Jacks
Jumping Jacks
Jump 100,000 times
Boing, Boing
Sneaky Snitch
Sneak 100m
Black Belt Ninja
Sneak 1km
Sneaky Snitch
Ancient Kung Fu Master
Sneak 10km
Black Belt Ninja
Laps in the pool
Swim 1km
"Swim" is defined as sprint-swimming
Olympic Athlete
Swim 10km
Laps in the pool
Olympic Gold Medallist
Swim 50km
Olympic Athlete
Minecart Rider
Ride 1km in a minecart
I Like Trains
Ride 10km in a minecart
Minecart Rider
Global Railway Network
Ride 50km in a minecart
I Like Trains
Pig Training
Ride 100 m on a pig
Snout 500
Ride 1 km on a pig
Pig Training
Lightning McPig
Ride 10 km on a pig
Snout 500
Horse Training
Ride 1 km on a horse
Sheriff Firearm
Ride 10 km on a horse
Horse Training
Scourge of the West
Ride 50 km on a horse
Sheriff Firearm
Luxury Cruise
Sail 1km in a boat
Pirate Captain
Sail 10km in a boat
Luxury Cruise
Sailor of the Seven Seas
Sail 50km in a boat
Pirate Captain
Taking It In Stride
Ride 100m on a Strider
Who Needs Boats?
Ride 1km on a Strider
Taking It In Stride
This Ride Is Lit, Yo!
Ride 10km on a Strider
Who Needs Boats?
Take to the Skies
Fly 10 km with elytra
Fly 100km with elytra
Take to the Skies
Frequent Flyer
Fly 1000km with elytra
Mob Hunter
Defeat 250 mobs
Defeat 2500 mobs
Mob Hunter
Kill or be Killed
Defeat 25,000 mobs
The Parrots and the Bats
Breed 100 animals
Breed 500 animals
The Parrots and the Bats
Two By Two
Breed 2500 animals
Om Nom Nom
Eat 200 food items
Milk, Potions and Water Bottles do not increment this number
Yum Yum Yummo
Eat 1000 food items
Om Nom Nom
Food, Glorious Food!
Eat 5000 food items
Yum Yum Yummo
The Haggler
Trade with villagers 100 times
Big Spender
Trade with villagers 500 times
The Haggler
Trade with villagers 2500 times
Big Spender
Loot 'Em!
Open 10 loot chests
This number is incremented when you generate a container's loot by opening it
More For Me
Open 100 loot chests
Loot 'Em!
In other words, when you open a loot chest that has never been opened before
I <3 Chests
Open 500 loot chests
More For Me
Novice Enchanter
Enchant 10 items
Journeyman Enchanter
Enchant 50 items
Novice Enchanter
Elderly Enchanter
Enchant 250 items
Journeyman Enchanter
Level Up
Reach 30 experience levels
Reach 100 experience levels
Level Up
XP Grinder
Reach 300 experience levels
Giga XP Grinder
Reach 1000 experience levels
XP Grinder
The First Night
Survive the first night in your brand new world
Be in the world at sunrise
Passing the Time
Play for 100 days
The First Night
100 Minecraft days, not real-life days.
Happy New Year!
Play for a whole year!
Passing the Time
A new day is added to all online players' score at sunrise
Bring summer clothes
Be in the Nether dimension
Stem Research
Attack a huge Nether Fungi until a stem pops out
Obtain either Crimson Stem or Warped Stem
What a Fungi!
Pick up Crimson or Warped Fungus
Stem Research
I am Root
Pick up some crimson roots
What a Fungi!
Don't Blink
Climb on some Weeping Vines
I am Root
Climb on some Twisted Vines
Don't Blink
What about Corruption Planks?
Craft every item made out of crimson wood
See requirement notes below
Welcome to Warp Zone!
Craft every item made out of warped wood
What about Corruption Planks?
See requirement notes below
Hot Tourist Destination
Explore every Nether biome
See requirement notes below
Hell Botanist
Gather a stack of every Nether plant
Hot Tourist Destination
See requirement notes below
Spreading Corruption
Place one of every Nether block in the Overworld
Hell Botanist
See requirement notes below
The Struggle Nether Ends
Place one of every Nether block in The End
Spreading Corruption
See requirement notes below
Hunt a Hoglin for food
What a Fungi!
When Hoglins Breed
Breed a baby Hoglin using Crimson Fungi
Whole Hog
Get mauled by a Hoglin
When Hoglins Breed
Giddy Up!
Punch a baby Hoglin that is being ridden by a baby Piglin
Whole Hog
Zork Chops
Bring a Hoglin into the Overworld to zombify it, then kill it for zorkchops
Giddy Up!
Kill a Zoglin
Oh, Shiny!
Distract Piglins with gold
What a Fungi!
Drop any golden item (in the piglin_loved tag) and have an adult Piglin pick it up. The player cannot be wearing any golden armor while doing this
Cultural Misunderstandings
Slay a Piglin in battle... or an accidental incursion
Oh, Shiny!
Kill a Piglin or a Piglin Brute
We Got a Live One!
Bring a Piglin into the Overworld then spare it from an eternity of zombification
Cultural Misunderstandings
When Piglins Fly
Give a piglin elytra then kill it
We Got a Live One!
Hung, Drawn and Bartered
Barter for every possible type of item with Piglins
When Piglins Fly
See requirement notes below
A Piglin's Best Friend
Give a total of 500 gold to Piglins during your nether adventures
Hung, Drawn and Bartered
Piglin Peril
Obtain a Piglin Head by blowing up a Piglin with a Charged Creeper
A Piglin's Best Friend
Obtain a Piglin Head
Those Were The Days
Fight your way into a Bastion Remnant
Cultural Misunderstandings
Enter a Bastion Remnant
Brute Force
Defeat a Piglin Brute in a Bastion Remnant
Those Were The Days
Et tu, Brute?
Get murdered by Piglin Brutes
Brute Force
Send a Piglin Brute to the End and kill it there before it zombifies
Et tu, Brute?
Kill a Piglin Brute in the End
War Pigs
Loot a chest in a Bastion Remnant
Brute Force
Open any Bastion Remnant chest for the first time
Mine some Gilded Blackstone from a Bastion Remnant
War Pigs
Obtain Gilded Blackstone
Gilded Miner
Mine a stack of Gilded Blackstone from Bastion Remnants
Obtain 64 Gilded Blackstone
Time to Upgrade!
Find a Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template in a Bastion Remnant
War Pigs
Obtain a Netherite Upgrade Smithing Template
Wub wub wub
Obtain the Pigstep music disc from a Bastion Remnant
Time to Upgrade!
Hot Reels!
Reel in a Strider using a Fishing Rod
What a Fungi!
Hook a Strider with a Fishing Rod then right-click to reel it in
This Boat Has Legs
Ride a Strider with a Warped Fungus on a Stick
Hot Reels!
Obtain a Warped Fungus on a Stick AND ride a strider
Feels Like Home
Take a Strider for a loooong ride on a lava lake in the Overworld
This Boat Has Legs
Ride a Strider at least 50 blocks horizontally away from your starting position, all on lava and in the Overworld
Breed two Striders using Warped Fungus
This Boat Has Legs
This One's Mine!
Kill a Zombified Piglin that is riding a Strider and take its steed
Kill a Zombified Piglin that is riding a Strider AND ride a strider that was formerly ridden by one
Ride a Strider riding another Strider riding a boat riding a minecart
This One's Mine!
From Whence It Came!
Find a broken Nether Portal in the Nether
Stand in a Ruined Portal in the Nether
Ancient Restoration
Rebuild and reactivate a Ruined Portal
From Whence It Came!
Stand in a Nether Portal block while within the bounding box of a Ruined Portal structure
Who is Cutting Onions?
Obtain Crying Obsidian from a Ruined Portal or bartering with Piglins
From Whence It Came!
Craft a Respawn Anchor using Crying Obsidian and Glowstone then place it down
Who Is Cutting Onions?
Place a Respawn Anchor
Not Quite 'Nine' Lives
Charge a Respawn Anchor to the maximum
Place Glowstone into a Respawn Anchor such that it reaches maximum charge
The Tribal Snouts
Kill a zombie pigman
High Temperature Fluid Monster
Kill a magma cube
The Tribal Snouts
Legend of Hell Chicken Riders
Kill a chicken jockey in the nether
High Temperature Fluid Monster
Kill a chicken with a zombified piglin passenger or a zombified piglin riding a chicken
Magma Cube Squisher
Collect a stack of magma cream
Legend of Hell Chicken Riders
Giant Floating Jellyfish
Shoot down a ghast
The Tribal Snouts
Kill a ghast
Fire Blast Shield
Block the explosion of a Ghast's fireball
Giant Floating Jellyfish
Is it a Balloon?
Look at a Ghast through a Spyglass
Fire Blast Shield
Return to Sender
Destroy a Ghast with its fireball
Is it a Balloon?
Bring Down The Beast
Bring down a ghast with a sword
Return to Sender
Kill a ghast using a direct melee attack while holding a sword
Ghast Slayer
Collect a stack of ghast tears
Bring Down The Beast
Uneasy Alliance
Rescue a Ghast from the Nether, bring it safely back home to the Overworld... and then kill it
Ghast Slayer
Kill a ghast in the Overworld
Electrifying Alliance
Smite a ghast with lightning from the Overworld’s heavens
Uneasy Alliance
Strike a ghast with lightning using the Channeling enchantment
Hell's Bells
Ring a bell in the Nether
Hot Spring
Sit in water in the Nether
Hell's Bells
Sit in a cauldron filled with water in the Nether
Polar Opposites
Start freezing in the Nether
Hell's Bells
Start freezing from Powder Snow in the Nether
Nugget in a Biscuit
Mine Nether Gold Ore for a pile of gold nuggets
Mine Nether Gold Ore
Stepping on Legos
Walk on some hot Magma Blocks in the Nether
Nugget in a Biscuit
Step on a Magma Block in the Nether without sneaking, wearing Frost Walker Boots, or having the Fire Resistance effect
Dark Ages
Mine Blackstone from a Basalt Deltas biome
Stepping on Legos
Nether Rock Collection
Mine a stack of Netherrack, Basalt, Blackstone and Magma in the Nether
Dark Ages
You sink like quicksand, but move slow like mud
Nugget in a Biscuit
Stand on soul sand
Burnt Right Into Your Soul
Get caught on Soul Fire
Stand in soul fire
A Soul For A Soul
Place down a Soul Campfire
Burnt Right Into Your Soul
Seeing Stars
Mine some glowstone dust from the Nether
Nugget in a Biscuit
Obtain Glowstone Dust while in the Nether
Glows in the Dark
Shoot a mob with a spectral arrow
Seeing Stars
Glowstone Miner
Mine and craft a stack of glowstone blocks
Glows in the Dark
Obtain a stack of Glowstone blocks
The Descent
Dig down into the deepest depths of the Nether
Nugget in a Biscuit
Be below y=22 in the Nether dimension
Nether Say Die
Excavate out some Ancient Debris from deep beneath the lava oceans
The Descent
Obtain Ancient Debris
Holy Scrap!
Smelt Ancient Debris into Netherite Scrap
Nether Say Die
Obtain Netherite Scrap
Diamonds Are Not Forever
Use Gold Ingots and Netherite Scrap to make a Netherite Ingot
Holy Scrap!
Obtain a Netherite Ingot
MOAR Upgraded Tools
Craft a Netherite Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel and Hoe
Diamonds Are Not Forever
Obtain a Netherite Pickaxe, Axe, Shovel and Hoe
A Knight to Nether Forget
Upgrade your diamond armor to netherite armor
MOAR Upgraded Tools
Obtain a full suit of Netherite Armor
Soul Runnings!
Step on Soul Sand with Netherite Boots enchanted with Soul Speed III
A Knight to Nether Forget
Also works with Soul Soil
Ludicrous Speed!
Achieve an absolutely insane speed by combining the Speed II effect, Dolphin’s Grace, Depth Strider III, Soul Speed III and sprinting
Soul Runnings!
Fool Me Twice
Completely use up a netherite hoe. Clearly you have chosen... poorly
Soul Runnings!
Break a Netherite Hoe
Netherite Miner
Mine a stack of Ancient Debris
Diamonds Are Not Forever
Master Netherite Miner
Mine enough Ancient Debris to make a stack of Netherite Ingots (don’t worry, this datapack won’t make you mine a stack of Netherite Blocks, I’m not that evil…)
Netherite Miner
Netherite Mad Lad
Be an absolute madlad and grind enough Ancient Debris to make a stack of Netherite Blocks (this is hidden and not required for Advancement Legend btw…)
Master Netherite Miner
Get a Lode Of This!
Craft a Lodestone using Chiseled Stone Bricks and a Netherite Ingot
Diamonds Are Not Forever
Country Lode, Take Me Home
Right click on a Lodestone with a Compass to create a Lodestone Compass
Get a Lode Of This!
Obtain a Lodestone Compass
Lodes of Applications
Create a Lodestone Compass in all three dimensions
Country Lode, Take Me Home
Use a compass on a lodestone in all three dimensions (not all at the same time)
I'm in Lava With You
Hit something while you and it are in lava
Nugget in a Biscuit
Limbo Walker
Get above the roof in the nether
I'm in Lava With You
Be above y=128 in the Nether dimension
Subspace Bubble
Use the Nether to travel 7km in the Overworld
Limbo Walker
Let Me Out!
Stay in the Nether for twenty ingame days
Subspace Bubble
Be in the Nether for twenty days (six hours and forty minutes) without leaving
Build a machine that can break a hole in the roof of the Nether
Subspace Bubble
Be between y=127 and 127.9999 in the Nether dimension in a non-solid block
A Terrible Fortress
Break your way into a Nether Fortress
Enter a Nether Fortress
The Hunt Begins
Kill a wither skeleton
A Terrible Fortress
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Obtain a wither skeleton's skull
The Hunt Begins
Withering Heights
Summon the wither
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Decaying Beauty
Pick up some Wither Roses from the damage the Wither wrought on your world
Withering Heights
Bring Home the Beacon
Construct and place a beacon
Withering Heights
Place a beacon on at least a level 1 pyramid
Bring a beacon to full power
Bring Home the Beacon
Place a beacon on at least a level 4 pyramid
Instant Mining
Hold a Diamond or Netherite Pickaxe enchanted with Efficiency V while under the Haste II effect
Beacon Overlord
Acquire every beacon-induced effect at once
Obtain Speed, Haste, Resistance, Jump Boost, Strength and Regeneration from beacons
Into Fire
Relieve a Blaze of its rod
A Terrible Fortress
The Nether's Shield
Block some Blaze fireballs
Into Fire
Block a Blaze's fireball with a shield
Blaze Extinguisher
Collect a stack of blaze rods
The Nether's Shield
Time to Fire Back
Craft a stack of fire charges
Blaze Extinguisher
Basis of Brewing
Harvest some nether wart from a nether fortress
Into Fire
Obtain nether wart
Local Brewery
Craft a brewing stand for brewing potions
Basis of Brewing
Obtain a brewing stand
Ender's Chest
Craft an ender chest for some extra inventory space
Into Fire
Obtain an ender chest
Eye Spy
Follow an Ender Eye
Ender's Chest
Enter a stronghold
The End?
Enter the End Portal
Eye Spy
Enter an end portal
What about Corruption Planks? Welcome to Warp Zone!
For the respective type of wood, obtain: Planks, Stem, Hyphae, Stripped Stem, Stripped Hyphae, Slab, Pressure Plate, Fence, Trapdoor, Fence Gate, Stairs, Button, Door, Sign and Hanging Sign. Fungi, Wart Blocks and related plants are not required.
Hot Tourist Destination
Enter the following biomes: Nether Wastes, Crimson Forest, Warped Forest, Soul Sand Valley and Basalt Deltas
Hell Botanist
Obtain a stack of the following items: Crimson Fungi, Warped Fungi, Crimson Roots, Warped Roots, Nether Sprouts, Weeping Vines, Twisting Vines and Nether Wart
Spreading Corruption The Struggle Nether Ends
Place the following: Netherrack, Soul Sand, Glowstone, Magma Block, Soul Soil, Basalt, Ancient Debris, Crimson Nylium, Warped Nylium, Crimson Stem, Warped Stem, Nether Wart Block, Warped Wart Block, Shroomlight, Nether Quartz Ore, Nether Gold Ore, Soul Fire, Blackstone For "Spreading Corruption", they must be placed in the Overworld. For "The Struggle Nether Ends", they must be placed in The End. Most nether plants (e.g. Fungi and Roots) and manufactured blocks (e.g. Nether Bricks, Polished Basalt, Blackstone variants) are not required
Hung, Drawn and Bartered
Pick up the following items that were thrown by Piglins: Enchanted Book, Iron Boots, Splash Potion of Fire Resistance, Potion of Fire Resistance, Water Bottle, Iron Nugget, Ender Pearl, String, Nether Quartz, Obsidian, Crying Obsidian, Fire Charge, Leather, Soul Sand, Nether Brick, Spectral Arrow, Gravel, Blackstone
Brewing potions with helpful and hindering effects
Brew any potion in the brewing stand
Failed Concoctions
Brew a Mundane and Thick Potion
Brew a mundane and thick potion in the brewing stand
Death By Magic
Kill a mob with a splash potion
Performance-Enhancing Drugs
Brew a Speed Potion for cheating on athletics
Take a speed potion out of a brewing stand
Super Strength
Brew a Strength Potion for cheating on weightlifting
Performance-Enhancing Drugs
Take a strength potion out of a brewing stand
A Weak Brew
Brew up a potion of Weakness
Super Strength
Take a weakness potion out of a brewing stand
Zombie Doctor
Cure a zombie villager
A Weak Brew
Mad Scientist
Cure a zombie villager of every profession
Zombie Doctor
Brew a healing potion
Take a healing potion out of a brewing stand
Brew and drink a regeneration potion
Brew and drink a night vision potion
The Invisible Player
Brew and drink an invisibility potion
Stealth Takedown
Dispatch a Creeper at melee range while you are invisible
The Invisible Player
Kill a Creeper that is less than 5 blocks away while you are invisible
True Feather Falling
Brew and drink a slow falling potion
The Invisible Player
Become nearly invincible to all damage using a Turtle Master Potion
True Feather Falling
Drink a Potion of the Turtle Master
Secret of the Ooze
Use a Slime Block to brew a Potion of Oozing
Take an oozing potion out of a brewing stand
Final Shout
Kill a mob that has the Wind Charged, Weaving and Oozing effects
Secret of the Ooze
You Need a Mint
Collect dragon's breath in a glass bottle
Obtain dragon's breath
Noxious Fumes
Use dragon's breath to brew up lingering potions
You Need a Mint
Obtain a lingering potion
Kill a mob using a lingering potion
Noxious Fumes
Imbued Projectiles
Craft some Tipped Arrows using arrows and a Lingering Potion
They must be crafted - not just obtained
Furious Ammunition
Craft every type of tipped arrow
Imbued Projectiles
See requirement notes below
Stayin' Frosty
Swim in lava while having the Fire Resistance effect
Be in lava while having the Fire Resistance effect
Marine Marauder
Swim in water while having the Water Breathing effect
Stayin' Frosty
Be in water while having the Water Breathing effect
Hopping Mad
Get jump boost from a beacon or potion
Marine Marauder
Get the jump boost effect
A Furious Cocktail
Have every potion effect applied at the same time
Hopping Mad
See requirement notes below
A much more doable challenge
Get all the effects possible during your life (not all at the same time)
A Furious Cocktail
See requirement notes below
A Furious Test Subject
Get attacked by a mob with every potion effect
A Furious Cocktail
See requirement notes below
Gas Bomb
Ignite a Creeper of each possible effect using Flint and Steel
A Furious Test Subject
See requirement notes below
Furious Ammunition
Obtain Tipped Arrows of: Splashing, Thick, Mundane, Awkward (called just plain "Tipped Arrow"), Night Vision (normal and long), Invisibility (normal and long), Leaping (normal, long and strong), Fire Resistance (normal and long), Swiftness (normal, long and strong), Slowness (normal, long and strong), Water Breathing (normal and long), Healing (normal and strong), Harming (normal and strong), Poison (normal, long and strong), Regeneration (normal, long and strong), Strength (normal, long and strong), Weakness (normal, long), Turtle Master (normal, long and strong), Slow Falling (normal and long), Oozing, Weaving, Infested, Wind Charged
A Furious Cocktail
Have the following effects at the same time: Speed, Slowness, Strength, Jump Boost, Regeneration, Fire Resistance, Water Breathing, Invisibility, Night Vision, Weakness, Poison, Slow Falling, Resistance, Oozing, Weaving, Infested, Wind Charged
A much more doable challenge
Have the following effects (not at the same time): Every effect listed next to "A Furious Cocktail", Wither, Haste, Mining Fatigue, Levitation, Glowing, Absorption, Hunger, Nausea, Conduit Power, Dolphin's Grace, Blindness, Saturation, Bad Omen, Hero of the Village, Darkness, Oozing, Weaving, Infested, Wind Charged
A Furious Test Subject
Get attacked by a mob with every effect listed next to "A Furious Cocktail" This will not work on undead enemies such as zombies and arthropods such as spiders because they are immune to poison
Gas Bomb
Ignite Creepers using Flint and Steel that have the following effects: Speed, Slowness, Strength, Weakness, Jump Boost, Regeneration, Resistance, Fire Resistance, Water Breathing, Invisibility, Night Vision, Poison, Wither, Glowing, Levitation, Slow Falling, Oozing, Weaving, Infested, Wind Charged They do not have to have these effects at the same time
The End
Or the beginning?
Be in the End dimension
Dragon Shield
Attempt to block the dragon's attacks
The End
Block an attack from the Ender Dragon with your shield
Is it a Plane?
Look at the Ender Dragon through a Spyglass
Dragon Shield
Free the End
Good luck
Dragon Shield
Land the killing blow on the Ender Dragon
The Actual End
Get killed by an Enderman in the End
Free the End
The Point of No Return
Fall into the void
The Actual End
Be under y=0 in the End dimension
Event Horizon
Survive void damage
The Point of No Return
Fly under y=-64 for about a second then get up above y=0 without dying. Only works in the End
Cow Jumped Over The Moon
Bring a cow from the overworld to the End and then kill it
The Point of No Return
Kill a Cow in the End
The Void Frogs
Lower a Frog into the void using a Slow Falling potion, then kill it so it becomes one with the void
Cow Jumped Over The Moon
Kill a Frog that has the Slow Falling effect and is below y=0 in the End
The Next Generation
Hold the Dragon Egg
Free the End
Obtain the Dragon Egg
The Start of Something
Craft your first ender crystal
The Next Generation
Obtain an End Crystal
The End... Again
Respawn the Ender Dragon
The Start of Something
What For?
Craft 64 ender crystals
The End... Again
Ring of the End
Defeat the Ender Dragon 20 times
What For?
Land the killing blow on the Ender Dragon 20 times
The Beginning
Say goodbye to the Wither
The End... Again
Kill the Wither in the End
Remote Getaway
Escape the island
Free the End
Enter an End Gateway OR be beyond 750 or -750 in the x or z direction in the End
End Bricks!
Craft end bricks from end stone
Remote Getaway
Obtain End Stone Bricks
Getting Chorus
Attack a chorus tree until it collapses
End Bricks!
Obtain Chorus Fruit
Plant a chorus flower in the Overworld for study
Getting Chorus
Place a chorus flower in the Overworld
Craft or collect purpur blocks, stairs, pillars and slabs
A Wizard's Breakfast
Eat a stack of Chorus Fruit in one go
Eat 64 chorus fruit with less than five seconds in-between each fruit and no other food eaten
In Your Face, Neil Armstrong
Colonise the End with potato crops
Place potatoes in the End
I'm Coming Back, Murph!
Travel far into the End dimension
In Your Face, Neil Armstrong
Be beyond 10,000 or -10,000 in the x or z direction in the End
No! Don't let me leave, Murph!
Travel so far into the End dimension you might as well be on another planet
I'm Coming Back, Murph!
Be beyond 100,000 or -100,000 in the x or z direction in the End
Void Walker
Explore every End biome
Remote Getaway
Enter The End, Small End Islands, End Midlands, End Highlands and End Barrens
Unending Hell
Travel directly from the End to the Nether
Void Walker
Enter the End's exit portal but arrive in the Nether by having your spawn set to a Respawn Anchor
Dimension Penetration
Get hit by an arrow that has visited every dimension during its lifetime
Unending Hell
The City at the End of the Game
Go on in, what could happen?
Remote Getaway
Enter an End City
For Mother, Clarence
Kill a shulker
The City at the End of the Game
Portable Storage
Use shulker shells to craft a shulker box
For Mother, Clarence
Obtain a shulker box of any color
Organizational Wizard
Name a Shulker Box 'Blocks' for storing your blocks
Portable Storage
Obtain a shulker box of any color that is named "Blocks"
Somewhere Over the Rainbow...
Craft all 16 shulker box types
Organizational Wizard
Shouldn't my shield levitate too?
Block a Shulker's bullet with your shield
For Mother, Clarence
Shulker Breaker
Collect a stack of shulker shells
Shouldn't my shield levitate too?
Great View From Up Here
Levitate up a distance of 50 metres
Shulker Breaker
Kill a Skeleton while both you and it have levitation
Great View From Up Here
Kill a Skeleton, Stray or Bogged while both you and it have levitation
Anti-Gravity Generator
Bring a Shulker into the Overworld and let it give you anti-gravity
Great View From Up Here
Get levitation in the Overworld
Good Luck Getting This One
Kill a baby Turtle, a Witch, a Phantom, an Elder Guardian and a Piglin Brute with one piercing arrow in the End
Anti-Gravity Generator
Off With His Head!
Collect a dragon's head from the bow of an end ship
The City at the End of the Game
Obtain a Dragon Head
Dragon vs Dragon
Kill the Ender Dragon while wearing a Dragon Head
Off With His Head!
Upon the Ender Dragon's summon be wearing a Dragon Head for the whole fight, and deal the killing blow
Sky's the Limit
Find an Elytra
Off With His Head!
Some Breakthrough
Exhaust your elytra
Sky's the Limit
Use up an elytra
Fill your inventory with full stacks of firework rockets
Some Breakthrough
All inventory slots, including your hotbar and offhand, must be filled, hence requiring 37 stacks of rockets
Sky High
Climb up to the world height limit
Sky's the Limit
Be above y=325
Uh, Houston? We have a problem
Fly up to a ridiculous height
Sky High
Be above y=1000
Diver's Dozen
Kill 12 mobs while airborne using Elytra. Stopping flight or touching liquid will reset your progress
Sky High
Super Challenges
Good luck completing... any of these ;)
Land the killing blow on the Ender Dragon OR leave the End through the exit portal OR obtain the "Remote Getaway" OR "Sky's the Limit" advancements
All the Blocks!
Obtain all the blocks!
Super Challenges
All the Items!
Obtain all the items!
All the Blocks!
Stack all the Blocks!
Obtain a stack of all the blocks!
All the Items!
Obtain the maximum possible stack size for each block from "All the Blocks". See requirement notes below for some exceptions
Stack all the Items!
Obtain a stack of all the items!
Stack all the Blocks!
Obtain the maximum possible stack size for each item from "All the Items". See requirement notes below for some exceptions
Look at every mob using a Spyglass, each from at least 25 blocks away
Super Challenges
See requirement notes below
Highway to Hell
Send every mob to the Nether... and kill them all there
See requirement notes below
Send every mob to the End... and kill them all there
Highway to Hell
See requirement notes below
Potion Master
Kill every mob in the game with splash potions
See requirement notes below
Biological Warfare
Kill every mob in the game with lingering potions
Potion Master
See requirement notes below
Nuclear Fusion
Strike every mob that can transform with lightning at once
Super Challenges
Strike a Pig, Mooshroom, Villager and Creeper at the same time with the lightning bolt from a Channeling Trident
Zombie Apocalypse
Obtain a stack of Zombie Heads
Nuclear Fusion
Rise of the Skeletons
Obtain a stack of Skeleton Skulls
Zombie Apocalypse
Obtain a stack of Creeper Heads
Rise of the Skeletons
Obtain a stack of Piglin Heads
Dragon Army
Obtain a stack of Ender Dragon Heads
Collect 64 Nether Stars
Super Challenges
Obtain a stack of Beacons
Hearts of the Stack
Collect 64 Hearts of the Sea
Abyss Lord
Obtain a stack of Conduits
Hearts of the Stack
We're in the endgame now
Construct a village in the End and defend it from a raid
Super Challenges
You have to both start a raid in the End and finish a raid in the End to gain this advancement
Dragon vs Dragon II
Defeat the Ender Dragon while wearing a dragon head... without touching the ground
We're in the endgame now
Once the Ender Dragon becomes attackable you must not be touching the ground AND be wearing a Dragon Head for the whole fight, and deal the killing blow. It also resets if you ride any vehicle OR touch water or lava
Dragon vs Wither: Pre-Sequel
Defeat the Wither while wearing a Dragon head... without touching the ground
Dragon vs Dragon II
Once the Wither becomes attackable you must not be touching the ground AND be wearing a Dragon Head for the whole fight, and deal the killing blow. It also resets if you ride any vehicle OR touch water, lava or a climbable block such as ladders
The Perfect Run
Summon the Ender Dragon, the Wither, and a Raid within thirty seconds of each other, then defeat all of them without taking damage
Dragon vs Wither: Pre-Sequel
Riddle Me This
See below for description and walkthrough (as it is very long)
The Perfect Run
I am Loot!
Open up every type of loot chest
Super Challenges
See requirement notes below
The World Is Ending
Summon ten withers at once
I am Loot!
At least ten withers must be in existence up to 128 blocks away from you (checked once every ten seconds)
Have fifty Wardens present within 100 blocks of you
The World Is Ending
Fill your entire inventory with Totems of Undying
All inventory slots, including your hotbar and offhand, must be filled, hence requiring 37 totems of undying
Death From All
Get killed by every mob that can kill you
See requirement notes below
Ultimate Enchanter
Collect every type of enchantment at every level
Super Challenges
See requirement notes below
Trade with every profession from every biome type
Ultimate Enchanter
See requirement notes below
Global Vaccination
Cure a zombie villager of every profession... from every biome
How Did We Get Here?
Have every effect applied at the same time
Global Vaccination
See requirement notes below
Ad Astra
Reach an altitude of 10,000 blocks above the world
Super Challenges
Be above y=10,000
I'm in Space!
Levitate up a distance of 256 blocks
Ad Astra
The Devil's Distance
Use the Nether to travel 666km in the Overworld
Abyss Lord
A Million Blocks Away
Travel a million blocks away from spawn
The Devil's Distance
Explorer of Worlds
Discover every biome in every dimension
A Million Blocks Away
See requirement notes below
Travel all the way to the border of the world
Explorer of Worlds
Be at least 29,999,983 blocks from 0,0 in either the positive or negative x or z direction
Full requirement notes:
Stack All the Blocks!
Stack All the Items!
Telescopic Highway to Hell Endergeddon Potion Master Biological Warfare
I am Loot!
Open the following loot chests when they have been unopened: Abandoned Mineshaft, Bastion Bridge, Bastion Hoglin Stable, Bastion Other, Bastion Treasure, Buried Treasure, Desert Pyramid, End City Treasure, Igloo Chest, Jungle Temple, Nether Fortress, Pillager Outpost, Ruined Portal, Shipwreck Map, Shipwreck Supply, Shipwreck Treasure, Dungeon, Stronghold Corridor, Stronghold Crossing, Stronghold Library, Large Underwater Ruin, Small Underwater Ruin, Woodland Mansion, Armorer House, Butcher House, Cartographer House, Desert House, Fisher House, Fletcher House, Mason House, Plains House, Savanna House, Shepherd House, Snowy House, Taiga House, Tannery House, Village Temple, Toolsmith House, Weaponsmith House, Ancient City, Ancient City Ice Box, Trial Chambers Corridor, Trial Chambers Entrance, Trial Chambers Intersection, Trial Chambers Intersection Barrel, Trial Chambers Reward, Trial Chambers Supply
Death From All
Get killed by all of the following mobs: Pufferfish, Cave Spider, Enderman, Panda, Polar Bear, Spider, Zombie Pigman, Blaze, Creeper, Drowned, Elder Guardian, Endermite, Evoker, Ghast, Guardian, Husk, Magma Cube, Phantom, Pillager, Ravager, Shulker, Silverfish, Skeleton, Slime, Stray, Vex, Vindicator, Witch, Wither Skeleton, Zombie Villager, Zombie, Llama, Trader Llama, Wolf, Dolphin, Iron Golem, Ender Dragon, Wither, Bee, Hoglin, Piglin, Zoglin, Piglin Brute, Goat, Warden, Breeze, Bogged
Ultimate Enchanter
Obtain the following enchantments on any items at every level up to and including their max: Protection IV, Fire Protection IV, Feather Falling IV, Blast Protection IV, Projectile Protection IV, Respiration III, Aqua Affinity, Thorns III, Swift Sneak III, Depth Strider III, Frost Walker II, Soul Speed III, Curse of Binding, Sharpness V, Smite V, Bane of Arthropods V, Knockback II, Fire Aspect II, Looting III, Sweeping Edge III, Efficiency V, Silk Touch, Unbreaking III, Fortune III, Power V, Punch II, Flame, Infinity, Lure III, Luck of the Sea III, Loyalty III, Riptide III, Impaling V, Channeling, Quick Charge III, Piercing IV, Multishot, Mending, Curse of Vanishing, Density V, Breach IV, Wind Burst III
Trade with Villagers of every combination of profession and biome. Professions: Farmer, Fisherman, Shepherd, Fletcher, Librarian, Cartographer, Cleric, Armorer, Weapon Smith, Tool Smith, Butcher, Leatherworker, Mason Biomes: Plains, Desert, Savanna, Taiga, Snow, Jungle and Swamp
Global Vaccination
Cure Villagers of every combination of profession and biome. The same as in "Stockbroker", with the additional professions of: Unemployed, Nitwit
How Did We Get Here?
Have the following effects at the same time: Speed, Slowness, Strength, Jump Boost, Regeneration, Fire Resistance, Water Breathing, Invisibility, Night Vision, Weakness, Poison, Slow Falling, Resistance, Wither, Haste, Mining Fatigue, Levitation, Glowing, Absorption, Hunger, Nausea, Conduit Power, Dolphin's Grace, Blindness, Bad Omen, Hero of the Village, Darkness, Oozing, Weaving, Infested, Wind Charged
Explorer of Worlds
Enter every biome required for: "One with the forest", "Warm Feet", "Cold Feet", "Overgrown!", "High Feet", "Wet Feet", "Spelunker", "Hot Tourist Destination" and "Void Walker"
Riddle Me This
The first is to smith a compass that vanishes
The second is to slay a corpse that fishes
The third is to travel on an upside-down mount
The fourth is to take a temple tripwire into account
The fifth is to be invisible yet be visible everywhere
The sixth is to return the product of a fowl in mid-air
The seventh is to allow a child to commit the act of stealing
The eighth is to smite a Wither with splash healing
The ninth is to be a pirate; parrot, spyglass, map, and boat
The tenth, if you can achieve it, you will be the G.O.A.T.
Whilst we have made some adjustments for server compatibility, full credit for all achievements in this pack go to Cavinator1 - it's a very impressive number of creative advancements!
Last updated
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